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Posts posted by Berg

  1. Did you even read what you quoted before you quoted it?

    Well I see the ranking is gone, fine.

    Reading, is that not what most of us do here? Not everyone feel the need to post about everything or everybody even thoug they have nothing new to present.

    English is not my native langue.

    I don't like your attitude.

  2. Some pics of me wearing a selection of my favourite dress styles:


    Nice to look at, you wear them surprisingly well.

    I just sent a report in. It has to be done by an admin.

    @Website Team / Shafted.

    This ranking is so confusing. I just can not see the point of It. Just remove it or take up stars if you want some ranking.

    For ever Barefoot Berg.

  3. I have dealt with Light In The Box several times and have nothing but good to say about them.

    Some people that I know have considerable business with the Chinese in another field say that as Shipping is the major factor in the deal you should order 6 items if only you need 4.

    then you have alternate as quality control seems to be forenge to the Chinese. :giggle:

  4. I'm pretty much at the stage now where i'm saying "okay, this is me, have your laughs, have your jokes, have your chats and conversations, but if you really can't handle it, see you later! This is me :)"

    Good on ya mate.
  5. Shafted and Berg, living in regions with a lot of seasonal ice, do you find that very few people share your continued enthusiasm for heels? It seems like no one around heel wears stilettos ever and few wear any type of heel in the winter!

    No one in his (or her) right mind uses heels in snow and ice conditions. I do not like sliding in slippery conditions. But if it comes up, I usually manage. :wavey:

  6. This has to be my first story ever.

    I am not an educated person and my English is not fluent. But I have to try this.

    As I live on an isolated location I do have some limited experience of ordering online from abroad but there is always problem with customs, who thinks they have to look into every parcel. I don’t know any good online stores in this country.

    So I gathered up my courage and went to a special shoe shop that cater to people with larger sizes. I was dressed in my normal work clothes with the company label, but I had on thigh high nylon stockings on under my thick socks. When I entered the shop, which is quite small, there was one customer leaving. I waited and when the attendant asked what she could do for me I asked about some boots, she gave me three pairs to try on, she had no private other than the WC and there I went and those were the only one that fitted me. I would have liked to have narrower heel but they were not available in my size. I asked if she had customers like me before and she said “Of course quite often”. I had been paranoid for days before this and then all went so well.

    Now who knows what the future will bring me if this will go on.


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