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Posts posted by ravingraven

  1. This kind of thing fascinates me- so much that I joined the forum to discuss!

    To the women out there- when you wear worn out shoes, do you do it because you love the shoes?  Or is there something thrilling about it, i.e. enjoying a sensation of power, or something like that?

    Years ago I had a girlfriend that didn't have much money, and she had exactly one pair of heels.  She didn't need them very often, but because they were so old, they were in really sad shape.  She was heavy and she walked on the outer sides of her feet, so not only was the leather distressed and cracked, and the insides splitting apart, and the soles worn thin, but the heels were completely worn down and the shoes leaned to the sides.  I don't think it fazed her- either that or she found a way to get used to it.

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