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Posts posted by Smitty55

  1. With one thing and another, I haven't had much time lately--but I haven't forgotten you. I hope--HOPE--to have another part coming along soon. The last few weeks have been a bit of a mess with the holidays and birthdays (they all seem to come together in Dec. & Jan.) If someone else wants to take a stab at it, we can make this a chain story--any thoughts? If nobody cares to try, I will continue it--it just may take a bit more time. Thanks for your patience.

  2. I have to disagree somewhat here, Wal-Mart, although not alone in blame is one of the reasons things are changing for the worse over here in the states. Mr. Walton (I believe that was his name--Ray Walton) had a better idea, getting goods 'MADE IN AMERICA', to bring jobs to the US and selling them at lower prices to help families in the US to get along easier. Once he died, however, his idea was subverted by the Wal-Mart board of directors to just get low priced goods, whether they were garbage or not AND no matter where they were made, and shovel them into the stores at low prices JUST TO MAKE MONEY FOR WAL-MART. The workers are paid minimum wage or just above and have almost no benefits. It is well known that in some states the workers are told to go sign up on the public dole if they want health insurance--AND they're told they're pay is low enough to do it. Don't get me wrong--this situation has been building to a head for some time, and Wal-Mart isn't the only cause of it by far, but Wal-Mart has plenty of blame to accept in making it worse than it could have been.

  3. Some of it comes from the women who have the attitude that they can do it themselves. I will also open/hold the door for another, and I used to do it all the time--but you never know when you'll get the snide remarks from a woman. Something like "What? Do you think I'm helpless?" or "You know, I'm perfectly capable...." Although those women are in the minority, they spoil it for everybody. You never can tell when you'll get a remark like that. I still remember the day at a mall when I hurried a bit to open the door for two women going into the building ahead of me and my wife--just to be polite. One of them turned to me and said "You know, I can open doors for myself." I just stood there and let them go in, then remarked to my wife "Maybe I should have let the door go when she was part way through it". It made them turn and stare when she said "You should have PUSHED it closed on them!"

  4. Interesting to note that ALL of the responces so far are from male members of this site. Also, it is interesting to note that being a radio 'ham' really isn't all that odd or worrisome--just like being a computer 'geek', or maybe an automobile preformance guru. People who do those things have nothing to be ashamed of, just because their hobbies are a bit outside of the norm. In my opinion, men who prefer high heels to regular mens shoes have a hobby--I wouldn't call it an obsession because some of the people here aren't that involved in it--that is further outside of the norm than the other things I mentioned. Tolerance--to each their own--is the key.

  5. Well, I have to agree that the separation of church and state is a crock--the separation has been taken too literally now for too long. That 'separation' was intended strictly to stop the power and control of the church from influencing the actions of the country, and nothing more, but it has been 'redefined' by the people and the politicians. The term marriage, however, has been traditionally defined as being between a man and a woman. It is now the aim of these extremists to 'redefine' that term--and others. I don't think the big ballihoo is so much about the religious implications of the word marriage as it is about the traditional use of the word--and the further implications such use would bring. For example, there are even agnostics that are up in arms about the 'definition' change here. Insisting that it is religious beliefs that are under attack will offend them. There should be no objection to two people of the same sex being joined together, the main objection is that some people want the different states of uniting people who love each other all to be called by one term. Have those people stopped to think that would potentially cause even more problems? Examining those implications, lets take it to the next step. How many same sex couples would take offence to this common situation. When told that the person, a woman, is 'married', how many would take offence to being asked where their 'husband' is? Likewise, if the person is a man, how many would take offence to being asked where their 'wife' is? You see, it isn't just a matter of discrimination, but of trying to be polite and proper to people who obviously would take offence to a matter of address that they would force upon all of us. I make that statement because of the obvious offence they take to not being able to be called 'married'. As you can plainly see, there is value in keeping traditional definitions and adopting new ones for new situations.

  6. I certainly wish the president elect well and hope he can turn this country around from the disasterous course of the last six or seven years. The only thing I'm afraid of is we're going to get rid of one politician who leaned radically toward one side of the aisle and it seems like we're getting one who is going to lean radically toward the other side. Senator McCain would have been a better choice since his course was more toward the center of the aisle, but as it was pointed out--his republican roots and the antics of the last eight years of a Bush administration doomed his candidacy almost from the start. Don't try to kid us about Mr. Bush either--he went into office with an almost balanced budget and an economy that was at least holding its own, and eight years later we have the biggest deficit this country has ever seen and an economy in the dumpster. I just hope Congress can reign in Senator Obama's more radical ideas and stop them from coming into existance. On the other hand, I hope he won't be as soft on foreign leaders and governments as some people think he will. Only time will tell now--we'll know in a year or so.

  7. OK people--I've written a few paragraphs and have the rough draft of the story beginning. As I said, it isn't exactly what was asked for, but it'll be very close. I put this together in a hurry, but I will refine and expand on it as the story progresses.

    Keep in mind that this is just a rough draft.......


    An Accidental Wish Come True


    The last thing Julie Reynolds remembered was the low slung sports car uncontrollably sliding toward her on that rainy night. She had just left the local nightspot with her fiancee, Doctor Jack Kent, and was dressed the they both loved, low cut blouse, tight skirt--and 5 inch black high heels. The car had just about stopped sliding but it knocked her down, pinning her feet against the curb--and under its chassis. She felt an agonizing pain.....and she blacked out.

    Julie woke up in the regional hospital, woozy because of the medication coursing through her veins. She could tell that she was strapped down--but she really couldn't feel much else. As she became more aware, she realized that she couldn't feel anything below her knees--and she started to panic. In a matter of seconds, Jack was there--and he yelled out "Julie--CALM DOWN!" His voice was more than enough to make her stop, and she started to cry. "My legs! My legs are gone, aren't they!" she asked. "No, Julie, they're not--they're anestitized to stop you from feeling the pain. They've been badly broken. Something has to be done, and there's no time--will you trust me to help you?

    Julie knew--even through the shock--that Jack would do what was best for her. She didn't hesitate. "Yes" she said. "You do what you feel is best."

    "I will" he said, "Now--you sleep so I can." Then he slid a needle into the port on her intravenous tube--and she went to sleep. She would be out--unconcious--for the better part of two months.

    Part 1

    Floating--that was the feeling Julie had--she was floating, calm and worry free. ----Julie.......Julie, can you hear me?---- Gradually she was becoming more aware, but she was still not fully awake. ----Julie, wake up.......Julie---- She was now aware---calm, but still feeling a bit disoriented. "Julie, honey--come on, wake up....Its me, honey--wake up. She opened her eyes and smiled. "How do you feel, Julie?" "Oh, pretty good, but why......" It all came back in a rush. She tensed up--but Jack was there, ready for it. "Honey, its all right--you're all right, but there are things I have to tell you." She relaxed just the tiniest bit. "OK Jack. I'm OK. How long did it take?"

    "You've been sleeping for fifty seven days, honey" he said. "There was quite a bit of reconstructive surgery that had to be done. Do you want to talk now, or do you want to rest a while first?" "I'm a bit tired, but I want to talk about it. I can feel my legs, but I can't move them." she said. "Yes, I know. I'll stop the medication, but I have to warn you--It may not feel too pleasant. You will get used to the new feeling--it'll just take a little time. I don't think you'll have too much pain, but I can compensate for that if you do. Relax right now. We'll talk in a couple of hours.

    Part 2

    A bit later, Jack was sitting by Julie's bed. He began. "Now, what I did may take you by surprise, but I don't think you'll be sorry you trusted me. I didn't want to use artificial joints right now, but later on there's a slim chance that may have to be done. I don't think it will, though--not until we're an old married couple."

    She had to smile at that one--they had not yet set a date, and when the accident happened she thought they may never set one. Jack seemed serious about it now--and that made her happy. He could see that, and could see she relaxed, so he went on. "Your ankles and your feet were pinned in such a way that the crushing force was concentrated on your heel bones. The accident pretty much destroyed the heels of your feet--but if you were in a lower heel, the accident would have just amputated your feet at the ankle."

    "But I can feel my feet and my toes--they just feel weird." she said. Jack answered, "Yes, I suppose they would. Tell me, can you move your foot up and down?" Julie tried, and although the joints seemed to want to move, they didn't move far at all. "Am I in braces?" Jack sighed and said, "No, Julie, not exactly. Do you feel any pain there?" "No, I don't--but there's something......."

    "Julie, you said you would trust me. Do you remember when we were discussing Ballet Boots?" She looked at him. "Do you mean that...." "Yes," he said, "You're in Ballet Boots. I thought they would help preventing you from hurting yourself. You see, your feet are almost straight out now. There is no ankle joint and almost no heel on either of your feet, they were completely crushed in the accident. After consulting with other doctors, it was felt that the best thing to do would be to remove your feet. I couldn't do that to you. I found a reconstructive surgeon who would do as I thought best, with consideration of what could be done later if you wanted to proceed. It took a long time, but it was successful.

    Her mind was whirling. "Why did you do that?" "Julie, I asked if you trusted me. When you said yes, I took the steps that I felt would be best for you. Right now, you're still too stunned to realize it, but this condition I've put you in can either be left as it is--or we can reconstruct your feet. You'll be able to walk almost normally either way--well, as normally as a ballerina can walk if you choose to stay this way. You do remember, don't you? You said you would like to know what it was like to have to walk in ballet boots all the time. Well, now you can find out! Of course, that won't be for a little while yet, but you can."

    Julie thought about that--and smiled. "Yes, I did say that. Funny how things can happen sometime, isn't it?" Then she got serious, and asked "What about when I'm older and don't have the balance I'll need for that anymore?" It was Jack's turn to smile. He said, "Julie, you're going to have to be in this condition for at least a year and a half. That is how long it will take to grow your new bone tissue to do the reconstruction. But--that reconstruction can be done at almost anytime after that. Of course, you'll be laid up for about six months if reconstructive surgery is done."

    "Well, it seems like I don't have much choice." Then the smile came back. "I did almost wish for something like this--when can I try to stand and walk?" "Well, it'll still be a while, at least a couple of weeks before you can try--and then just for a few steps." Julie laughed. She felt almost like her old self again. "It's going to be a long couple of weeks."

    End--for now

  8. I think that nowadays most women rather dress comfortably than fashionably. Around where I live, about 99% of the people, both men and women, have sneakers on their feet--not shoes. It is a shame that heels aren't being worn as often as we would like to see, but styles change--and I do believe high heels are coming back--for both genders. As far as high heels being considered women's shoes, maybe some of them can be--the more delicate looking ones. BUT--my high heels aren't womens shoes--they're my shoes.

  9. Well, my mind wandered...alot, and I was just thinking of a strange plot to a story. Now, I could make it, but it'll take me like months to years just to write it, with school and all. But I can try my best, or anyone can feel free to browse on this proposition themselves. I don't mind.

    But, the story I was thinking of involved ballet heels or boots and a rare body condition. A girl/woman is born with a strange mutation of her feet, and her feet are pointed completely downwards, toes first (in clearer words, completely en-pointe', 180 degrees). As well as that (and this one's optional), her toes are shaped in a way that allows her to walk on them, with almost no problem at all. Where it takes place doesn't matter, and the period I was arguing with myself. Either she could be the starter of ballet en-pointe' heels/slippers in the past; or she can be one of this time period, learning how to cope with this mutation and finding ways around it, one way including ballet heels/slippers.

    So yeah, my mind wandered. And I would love to continue and develop it myself. But school would get in the way. Plus, it would be (literally) a book long the way I write, so yeah.

    Anyone care to carry on what I started?

    Well, I can't promise too much, but I'll give writing a story a try--it may turn out to be slightly different though, but to the same theme.

  10. They've probably been overtaken by their wanting to expand their business too fast. They've got so many deals in the works right now that they would need more than 24 hours in a day to do them. If they don't have the people on board to handle the business....... From what I gathered there are just two of them attending to their store, their photo shooting (not including the models, of course, but one of them is also a model) arrange for the equipment needed, negotiate for the rights to a new TV series about Archenemies, answer e-mails, order the shoes and other things they sell, produce and copy the videos they offer and so on...... How they can do what they try to do is anybodys guess. The end answer, I suppose, is to spread the word that they're unreliable and overloaded---and too greedy to get more so they won't do much about trying to correct it.

  11. I was going to order from them as well--but I'll look elsewhere now. As you say, if that is the quality of their shoes and their customer service is as you describe, they'll be losing more than just a little business--at least in their shoe sales. Thank you for the warning!

  12. Look folks, I'm iooking for a custom matching set in10 or 14 carrot gold with a thick mens anklet, 2 toe rings, a thick necklace to match the bracelet and anklet, several hand rings including a thumb ring and a bracelet, all matching!!!

    Thanks, Nick!!!

    What you need to do, Nick, is locate a large jewelry store that do their own work or a jewelry supply shop where they stock bulk supplies. That is where I had mine made up. The woman who helped me asked what I wanted the chain for, she agreed that it would make a good heavy anklet when I told her. Those stores would be able to steer you to where to get what they may not have, too.

  13. All year, even though less in the winter. If I'm shoveling snow, I'll wear boots, but if I'm just stepping out to go to the store or to make a quick visit and I feel like it, I'll wear sandals--no matter what the temperature. Of course, if I'm going to be outside for a while I won't--common sense has to prevail.

  14. I would love to wear a pair of anklets with my 5" heels. Silver or polished steel rings would do nicely. Does anyone have any ideas about (a) men wearing ankle jewellery and (:smile: where to obtain chunky anklets?

    If you go to a jewelry 'supply' shop (or a shop that makes jewelry) it is possible to get sterling silver chain cut to length and provided with a clasp.

    I had some made, but I had the jeweler close the chain links while on me--making them semi-permanent anklets. Yes, I know there is a safety issue, but the anklets are snug, and I take care not to get into any situation where it may get caught.

    'Ring' anklets are OK if you like them, but I think they're a little too floppy unless they're NOT rings, but ovals.

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