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Posts posted by tws4646

  1. Hi all, first post so be nice!


    I was waiting for a flight in a UK airport yesterday minding my own and noticed a young lady in a pair of boots with chunkyish 3 inch heels which looked a bit worse for wear, that sort of thing usually catches my eye. 


    After watching her discreetly for a few moments I was amazed at the state the boots were in and how on earth she was still wearing them, both of the heels had worn beyond the heel tip and worn at an angle, hence when she walked or stood the heels were bending in under the boot, particularly the right heel there was no support there at all, when she walked the heel was bending so far forward it was unreal, I don't know how she managed to walk in them.


    When she was standing still she was obviously aware the right heel in particular was wobbly, she was almost playing with it trying to stretch it out to where it should be and then letting it bend back in towards the front, then she'd do it again, I think she was enjoying doing it. I haven't seen a show like it since I was at school many years ago!


    Has anyone out there kept wearing boots that do this in the past, I'm fascinated as to why you do it instead of repairing them or buying a new pair, does it almost become a challenge to see how far you can wear the heels down or how loose the heels will get before you have to give in.  



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