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Posts posted by SMDave

  1. This is kinda late, but it might be useful to others. The way to go is electroforming. Make a wax blank (maybe cast from the original, or carve the wax to suit) then electroplate with nickel to the desired thickness. Melt out the wax, and voila! There are many places that will do this for you, you just provide the wax blank.

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  2. The objective is to take the idea of a stiletto to the extreme. By careful selection of materials the problem of strength and durability should be solvable. Also a tip material such as Tungsten Carbide would certainly show no visible wear over the life of the shoe. The stability is about the same as a regular stiletto, most of the stability comes from the toe anyways. A 5/16 wide tip gives very little added stability compared to a sharp point in conventional stilettoes. There could be a minor safety problem, but I am very careful where I put my feet, as are most all wearers of stiletto heels.

    For driving I will have two safety caps that I remove upon exiting the car, leaving them by the driver's seat for the return journey.

    Damage to floors would be an issue for brand new floors, but a floor that has been subject to walking on by regular stilettos for years is going to have damage anyways. I plan to avoid wooden parquet floors, obviously. Mostly I plan to wear the needle heels on the dance floor, and most disco floors are pretty robust in my experience. The extreme stilettos will create a stunning first impression without being too high to dance in. Hopefully most people will stay out of the way, a distinct advantage on a crowded dance floor.

  3. I have a pair of spike heels that I would like to sharpen and give metal tips. Right now the tips are about 5mm wide D shapes, made of hard plastic. What would be the best way to go about this? Are there any problems with wearing needle-sharp heels, and has anybody done this before? I have heard good things about concrete nails and awls as heel tips, painted black of course.

    The image below is an attempt to sharpen some heels just by removing the plastic with a hand file and leaving the metal post, but it is kinda amateurish looking plus the post is about 4mm diameter, I want them to be sharper than this.


  4. Hi everybody!

    My name is Dave and I hail from California, USA. I am into modification of high heel shoes. I am also into tight belts and corsets (wearing and modifying) , but I guess those are for a different forum. I have been lurking on this forum for a while, just thought I would introduce myself.

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  5. Although this is mostly about the feelings that you have for your brother, I think that having an old and unsalable Lincoln stuck in your driveway is a big part of the problem. You see it every day, and it reminds you about the situation.


    There is alway a risk if you do a car deal with a relative, or even a friend for that matter. Car deals are notorious for going wrong, and you can alienate a friend or relative if you choose to deal with one.


    So what you need to do is to get the Lincoln out of your driveway, and that will clear the path to forgiving your brother. I would first try to get the title from whomever is holding it (YOU contact her, your brother is not about to). If that fails, call a trash hauling service and have it hauled to the landfill as trash, ignoring the inconvenient truth that it is, in fact, a car. Just explain that you cannot get a title and want to get rid of the trash. I don't think you can sell it for scrap with no title, the trick is not to sell it but rather to pay to have it hauled away. Send your brother a letter announcing your intent a week before.


    Then, with the eyesore removed, tell your brother that you forgive him and move on with your life! Do NOT demand or offer an apology from your brother no matter who is in the wrong, that will only make things worse. Simply give him unconditional (and unsolicited) forgiveness, then whatever he wants to do is his problem. He can't complain about what you did to the car, because he does not own it and does not want it.

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