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Posts posted by morningsend

  1. Got myself some new shoes. These are 4 inches killer heels with pointed toe. I find it extremely sexy when I see a girl wear this type of shoe. I used to be obsessed of 5inches platforms, however recently I find in 4 inch heels more attractive. Here are the pictures.



    Thighbootguy, you comment rings true for me. I get a strong desire to put on high heels instead of man shoes every time I get out of the house. This little voice says I should do it. I have thought about it, imagined about it, but could not bring myself to act. I want to make it part of daily life, a piece of my everyday casual attire. Do you think it will be easier on the emotions to start with conservative shoes? Say, a pair of 3 inches chucky boots? The heels can be covered with long trousers. Then work gradually to shoes that are higher and obvious.


    Hey, JeffB. Thank you for your warm welcome. I took a peek in your gallery and I have to admit you look great in them skirts. 


    hi, wedgemao, thank you.

  2. hi demoniaplatforms, thank you for the heads up.


    Hi schnubab, thank you. It's good your SO knows. Does she join you in wearing heels? What is her attitude towards it? My parents do not seem to concern themselves too much with me wearing high heels. I think this is because I have kept a low profile. I keep my shoes in my room but I dont hide them. Anyone walking in can see them. They sort of know what is going on but I don't wear high heels openly in the house or dressing up. That could be more they are comfortable with. I have decided to holdoff until I have my own place.


    HI thighbootguy, the other day I spent a good hour reading you posts. I admire your style and willingness to be different, for 10 years and going strong.


    hi hiheellover23, thank you for the heads-up. My family knows but they don't make much of deal out of it which is good. 


    Hi Majo, I appreciate your warm words of encouragement. I am working on becoming more confident and develop my own style in heels. I hope to wear it out to the public and show the world what I have.


    My little sister often asks me why I buy high heels, "isn't high heels for girls?". I found that question very hard to answer. I explained to her that it is ok for a guy to buy high heels and wear them if he wants. Now she is part of the team. I would pose in high heels. She plays the photographer. She thinks its fun and we laugh a lot when we do it. We just took some more pictures the other day and here they are:


  3. Hi dahool, thank you. I will surely post more pictures. I can imagine what the situation would be like in your country, when you try womens shoes in store. 
    Don't know if you have seen video of Kazaky, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p7xWHlCs90. They are a group of men dancing while wearing high heels. I think they are amazing. 
    Check out this one too.
    Hi Rockpup, thanks for the comments. It's great to get to know everyone who share the interest. I think people on here are awesome.
    Hi pebblesf, thank you. 
    Hi ilikekicks, thanks. I got my boots from http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Gianrico-Mori. Their ebay stores has a lot of thigh high boots. They price them over £800 but are constantly running aunctions. If you paid attention you can get one at around £150. They do mens sizes up to EU45.
    Hi SleekHeels, thank you. I was visiting your latest adventure thread and I think you really push the boundaries. You actually went out fully dressed in a  blouse, skirts and heels. I have a long way to go. When I get the opportunity to be more true to self, I will try to be a that little bit more, and more at ease I will feel if i wear heels in public.  What is true for you in the future may be true for me too.
  4. hi crotchhiguy, thank you for the compliment. Those boots are size EU42 or UK8/9 and they are made by Gianrico Mori. It is an italian company. My shoe size is uk7. Do you happen to be into thigh high boots as well? your username is good. It speaks to the world about your passion for thigh high boots loud and clear.


    Hi SleekHeels, thanks for your advice. I browse shoe shops every time I go out, almost like a routine for me. I like to visit Aldo, Office and House of Fraser. They make very classy shoes. Do you actually try the shoes in store? What is your latest addition? 


    My first time buying was a chain of small acts.  I went to a store called Dunnes and saw a pair of shoes I liked, and being on week day, customers were few. but the first time I was scared and stood by shelf, paralyzed when the thoughts about picking them up and walking to the till. I then went back a few days later. Gained some more courage and actually tried them when no one was looking. I put them back on to the shelf and walked away. I then went back a final time and went straight to the shelf, pick the shoes up, and paid for it at the till. and that was the end.


    How do you feel when you step out with heels on and knowing fully that everyone who sees you notices your choice of style and there is no hiding it? How do you make up your mind about it? About doing what you want to do regardless?

  5. Hey everyone I registered on here a few months ago. I have read many people's stories about times when they wore high heels. Every time I read a story of someone wearing their favourite shoes in public that I think to myself, "WOW, did he do that?" Today I am going to talk a bit about myself. I am also sharing some photos of myself wearing thigh high boots.


    I think its really nice to read about other people's story in heels. My story began when I first tried on pair of my mums high heels shoes. One day I was off from school and was alone at home. Then I remembered a pair new pair of shoes she had bought which I saw her trying on a few days ago. I though she looked particularly attractive in them and that motivated me to try them on and see how I would look. I was hearing a loud voice in my head, urging me: "Do it. do it, do it!". I must have been 9 or 10 at the time. It felt really nice when I put them on. I could not walk comfortably though as they were too big for my feet.


    Brain must have been permanently wired from that incident to think that men wearing high heels is normal. There was too little male presence around me when I was young, since I did not see my dad very much until I was 5. I would probably see him once or twice a year. He was studying for his degree in another city hundreds of miles away. As a result I spent most of my early years around my mum. I would walk around the house in her shoes, eventually my feet would grow too big to fit into them.


    As I got older I attended school like other kids. I finished university at age 20 and started working. From time to time would spend £20 on a new pair of shoes. I still remember the first time I went into a shop and bought a pair of patent court shoes. It is the first pair of my own. Right now I have about 15 pairs. The place I buy high heels is from ebay. Too scared to go into a high street fashion store and ask to try a pair of black patent court, 5.5 inch heel, in my size. Recently found a great eBay shop selling leather thigh high boots, and wow, they blew me away. What do you guys think?


    My family know about this, and they don't seem to mind very much. My little sister is 7 and she helped me to take the pictures. I am 22.


    That's it for now.

    Thank you for reading.




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