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Posts posted by dhn1

  1. According to hollywood movies, wich the whole world has been watching for over a century now, the image of man reflects aggressiveness, violence and destruction. He has to possess a powerfull car and also has to possess a girl that matches the color of the car. I do not believe men are suposed to be that way and trying tu push him into this frame brings him out of balance. Lets look at nature and the difference in behavior between male and female in the animal kingdom. Yes there are differences, but they are in most cases not so extrem as in human societe. For many species, one has to be an expert to differenciate between male and female. Why do man and woman have to be so extremely different? All the qualities of a woman (kindness, compassion, caring for other, felling clean and pretty) are inherent in a man, but society has removed all of this from men and this brings him out of balance. Now we also know that the way we dress affects the way we behave, so using clothes or shoes from the women wardrobe makes us different, i can remember in my youth (at that time I was an occasionnal transvestite) the girls liked me better when I was dressed up (I do not talk about dating) although I was the same person under the cloths.

    I must admit, that I may not have started dressing up for honorable raisons but it allowed me to discover a different or complementary world. Nowerdays I try to have the most feminin look possible that harmonizes with my person, wich means always womens shoes, bright colors, and light makeup (beard is a problem).

    I believe if men harmonize themself better, they will be able to harmonize better with women. The old scheme of the beauty and the beast, the brutal and the kind belong to the past. We need more balanced people in a more balanced world.

  2. The position of the foot when wearing high heels makes it easier for the energy to flow from the foot into the leg. As tought in traditional chinese medicine, 3 channels have their root in the big toe area of the foot. This are the kidney channel, the liver channel and the spleen channel. Now the kidney and liver channel are closely related to sexual energy, kidney energy is the raw sexual energy and the liver is what makes it flourish. The kidney channel flow through the depression behind the ankel and moves up inside the leg and the liver channel flows from the depression between the big toe and the next one and moves also upward inside the leg. So when you walk in high heels, it stimulate an ease the flow of sexual energy in the legs. When looking at someone's leg in high heel, even if you do not really see the sexual energy, you become aware of it. Also, shoes with a closed top tend to constraint the liver channel, that's why I like shoes with open tops (with or without heel). Now what happens if someone is looking at your legs in high heels? The eye is the gate of the spirit and energy can get in and out of it. When you look at an object your spirit and energy comes out and mixes with that particular object and becomes parts of your world. If someone looks at your legs, it's probably because he is attracted by your sexual energy, and in the process his energy mixes with yours, making you feel better (or worse depending on the situation). Some might say that it's only the beauty of the legs that is attracting, but I am shure that thay will also look at not so beautifull legs if these are full of energy, this is the life energy, we are attracted to it like children are attracted to water. Everything is energy and spirit, the materialistic people may not believe in it, but that the way it is.

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