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Jake K

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Posts posted by Jake K

  1. Sure! I mean, why not? If you like it, then I say "go for it" because you only live once. Seriously though, men don't typically paint their toenails. Most men anway. But an increasing number of guys with a sense for adventure, looking for something a little more exciting, or even men who have been coaxed by their wives or girlfriends into enduring a pedicure complete with nail polish have experienced something that cannot be fully described with text here. It is, well, rather exciting and fun! Probably because it is a bit dangerous (men are not 'supposed' to wear nail polish), sexy (by a surprising number of women's opinions), it feels good and I will admit, it's very addicting. Let's face it, most men's feet just don't look that great. They are typically dry, callused, rough and their nails are crusty, uneven and yellow. It's no wonder men don't want to show their feet in public! But, once you have experience a profesisonal pedicure with massage, callous removal, with smoothing and shaping of the nails, your feet will look and feel a whole lot better. And as an added treat, I encourage you men to follow up with polish in either a subtle neutral color of even go for the color! You will like it much more than you can imagine, and when you begin receiving compliments on your feet, you will like it even more. That's why I said it becomes addictive. Positive feedback is one of the basic principles in learning a behaviour, and it serves to reinforce the chance you took by trying it. Hey, don't take my word for it, you really need to prove it to yourself. In fact, it's a well-appreciated treat for men considering this to go with their wife or girlfriend for joint pedicures. You will both enjoy it!!

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