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Posts posted by perry

  1. Heel-Lover You obviously have better knowledge than I but I have to say what you say does make sense and would explain some of my foot tenderness. I do not stretch a lot except as part of my cool down after training. When not training (which I have been doing for two years now) around the house I wear slippers with 11/2" heels. For everyday wear to work my minimum heel height is 3" from loafers, wedges and boots. On weekends if hiking or working outside I wear my skechers, which I got from Victoria Secret. Otherwise I have 3" and 4" boots. It may be too late to heed your warning but I really do love wearing my heels. I have noticed that unconciously in the shower I seem to often stand on my toes but when I get out I slip into my slippers so I don't yet seem to have any discomfort. perry

  2. It began with trying to learn Chi running. I was having real trouble in learning the technique. In essence chi running begins with learning how to fall forward (very simplified). By wearing the high heeled sneakers I seemed to grasp the concept better. As time went on I was able to translate the skill to racing flats but in between it became comfortable so have carried on.

  3. Last summer I trained and ran my first half marathon in high heeled sneakers. At the begining I had some arch pains and some shin splints but with careful planning of the training times I was soon able to overcome that. I then entered a series of races of increasing length until the half marathon. I found that my times were quite decent but the one side effect is that in normal sneakers my achilies is quite tender. I was wondering if anyone else has done this and if they have any tips. Thanks in advance

  4. I wear everything but sandles. During the week I normally wear heels less than 5" simply because of the amount of stairs we have in the building and it slows me down. On weekends and days off I like to wear 4 to 5 inch heels if out shopping or doing errands. When going out in the evening I often wear metal spikes 5 to 6 inches as I like the way I have to walk in them and them.

  5. I have an extensive collection to choose from given the time of year and the activity I am doing. To go to work I quite often wear 3" heel loafers either as a wedge or a block heel. During the winter I quite often wear boots that are at least knee high. I love the way they firmly support you calfs as it gives you a great feeling of sure footed confidence even on ice.

  6. Here in Canada in our nations capital Ottawa it is not unusual to see women with high heels. In fact I myself wear heels every day, you just need to be sensible in the type of heels you wear. If I am going out for a walk I wear my Sketchers I got from Victoria Secret that have a 3" block heel and a 1/4" platform. They look very much like hiking boots and even have great gripping soles. For work I normally wear some beautiful knee high 3' heel boots I got from Springshoes. Again the heel is block type and they are extremely comfortable to wear in the office all day.

  7. I have bought some new boots over the holidays and since I live in Canada they happen to be for winter. I needed some new winter boots for everyday walking that could take quite a beating and I found some at Victoria Secret. They are Sketchers size 10 with a 3 inch heel and a 1/4 inch platform. They are the most comfortable boots I have worn in quite sometime and are very warm and snow proof.:blinkbigeyes: Sorry just having hit send I relised I had forgot to add that I had just received a shipment from Zappos. I had ordered some Jessica Simpson Knee High boots with a 3 1/4" block heel. As my local grocery store is just accross the street from my condo I wore them to pick up a few things. They are beautiful and the clicking sound on the floor in the store is heaven. I love Jessica Simpson products and own quite a few as Zappos quite often has them on sale.

  8. Hi this is my first time posting on this site. I recently returned from a flight to Calgary, Canada from Ottawa and chose to where my new winter boots with a 3 inch chunky heel. They are knee high and was asked to take them of going through security. The lady took them from me and put them in the bin. On the other side she came up to me and asked where I got them as she was impressed with their practicality. I told I bought them from Sears and gave her the make of my boots. She never mentioned anything about why I as a man would wear high heel bots other than the fact she thought they were very 'practical'. On my return I wore a new pair of ankle boots with a 31/2 inch heel and just sailed through security. The big difference was the lack of a large zipper. I wear my new boots everytime I go out and recently bought some 3 inch loafers for the spring. I am now very used to always having at least a three inch heel.

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