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Posts posted by DamnNation

  1. No...i would not help him out, if i indeed had a son, i would be very reluctant to do anything about it and wanted him to be very very sure before i would give advices and guiding him along. I would feel very weird about it if he confronted me about learning to walk in high heels :S...

  2. First of i want to say a huge thank you to you people inhere for helping me find the shoes that i have been looking for since i was a young man :clap::-?, and it was only when i joined this great forum that i was able to finally get my hands on these beauties :w00t2:. Ordered a size 12 and they fit me like a glove, they are perfectly fitting the back of the heel (like every high heel shoes should....i really hate seeing pictures of models and such and then discover a 1 cm gap in the back of the shoe and heel....brrr....) So here they are, and NO i am NOT naked on the reflection in the first picture so dont bother enlarging the picture!! :cool1: I am going to upload more pictures of the entire collection of shoes when i get around to photograph them all on my bed, but i don't have 30 pairs like some of you monster collectors have inhere :o.. Hope you will enjoy these pictures anyway :w00t2:




  3. I find that style is most important, but that being said, before i bought my first high heels the height was the main important thing, i was really totally focused on that issue :thumbsup:. But since then i am actually very aware that the heels are very stylish, but still simple in design, i'm certainly not into those high heels that look like a stealth fighter with extra accessories... :smile:. I like it simple, beautiful, stylish and sexy :wink1:.

  4. A huge greeting from Denmark!. I am a 36 year old male that enjoys having high heels on, but still don't know anything about walking in them, so my attempts are just that...attempts :thumbsup:. I am going to use this forum as councelling in the art of walking with heels, finding new friends and also trying to find a place to buy some special high heels that i cannot seem to find anywhere...more on that in the appropriate topic :smile:. I am happy to find a high heel place for both female AND male fans, and after having read several posts i find the nature and tone of voice to be very accepting, and i like that very much!. Now i'm off to explore this forum :wink1:. Best Regards DamnNation

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