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Posts posted by HimInHeels

  1. Recently I responded to a question on the forum that is similar to your original notion. It reads:

    How do High Heels make me feel? Great Question. Hard Question to answer too. I am for all practical purposes a straight male. No experiences with any males although out of curiosity, I did agree to go on a dinner date with a guy I met on AOL way back in the early 90's (HA! HA!, AOL rocked in the day, didn't it?). I suppose I let my curiosity get the best of me. I found the curiosity went away rather quickly after diner and it was time to..., to... begin the date??? I politely shook hands and left. To this day, I still have the curiosity but no desire to exploit it. I love the female body just too much. I do however do not think I would turn away the perfect Post-Op. Perhaps that would be the best of both worlds. But I digress.

    The Heels. I simply love the feeling I get when I am wearing them. I have never been a very dominating person and they make me feel rather submissive. I do not mean this in the leather and whips way. I consider myself all man but deep (well, not too deep) inside of me is this female that needs to get out. When I wear heels, stockings, a skirt (rarely, most of the time jeans) there is this female with me doing these daring things, challenging all others to see me for who this secret person is inside of me. A midnight walk, a bold venture to the mall, an evening at the Casino (great place described in earlier posts), is a great turn on for me and my feminine sub counterpart. My vision of a beautiful woman walking in a set of sexy high heels is in my thoughts every "click-clack" I make on a hardened floor and that vision becomes me. The shape of her feet, angled to match the height of the heels. The thinness of her ankle as the calf muscle is tightened and lifted to accommodate the needed balance. The gate in which she walks, one foot placed slightly in front of the other as her entire body reacts with each well placed step. The skirt she wears, just high enough for me to wonder is it almost too short. I can imagine all this with every step I take. I am her now. She is a part of me. Needless to say, this is a great turn on for me and usually ends with me, how should I say, needing a nap?

    So, how do “I” feel when I am wearing heels? "We" feel satisfied. I don’t think there are many of us as members of this forum that have a dissimilar feeling. I read allot about freedom of choice here and have come to realize for myself that it is actually a bonding with the other sex I am looking for.

    Well, there ya go.

  2. Bubba, Skiker, The boots. As awesome as they were, the heels were just too high and with the quality not being the highest, the heels simply would bend while I walked as if I were on springs. It was my highest experience to date and maybe that is what is expected but I don't think so. I did send them back for credit. Perhaps I'll find something similar with a 5" heel. I liked the boots fist all because they were so darned hot looking but I also wanted something to grab hold of my foot a little better than a pump. When I walk in my pumps in the evening time, my heel wants to slip sometimes. (Remember, morning feet are not the same size as evening feet) Was hoping the tight ankle solved the problem. Maybe my next pumps will have the ankle strap. Has this solved the problem for other members?

  3. How do High Heels make me feel? Great Question. Hard Question to answer too. I am for all practical purposes a straight male. No experiences with any males although out of curiosity, I did agree to go on a dinner date with a guy I met on AOL way back in the early 90's (HA! HA!, AOL rocked in the day, didn't it?). I suppose I let my curiosity get the best of me. I found the curiosity went away rather quickly after diner and it was time to..., to... begin the date??? I politely shook hands and left. To this day, I still have the curiosity but no desire to exploit it. I love the female body just too much. I do however do not think I would turn away the perfect Post-Op. Perhaps that would be the best of both worlds. But I digress. The Heels. I simply love the feeling I get when I am wearing them. I have never been a very dominating person and they make me feel rather submissive. I do not mean this in the leather and whips way. I consider myself all man but deep (well, not too deep) inside of me is this female that needs to get out. When I wear heels, stockings, a skirt (rarely, most of the time jeans) there is this female with me doing these daring things, challenging all others to see me for who this secret person is inside of me. A midnight walk, a bold venture to the mall, an evening at the Casino (great place described in earlier posts), is a great turn on for me and my feminine sub counterpart. My vision of a beautiful woman walking in a set of sexy high heels is in my thoughts every "click-clack" I make on a hardened floor and that vision becomes me. The shape of her feet, angled to match the height of the heels. The thinness of her ankle as the calf muscle is tightened and lifted to accommodate the needed balance. The gate in which she walks, one foot placed slightly in front of the other as her entire body reacts with each well placed step. The skirt she wears, just high enough for me to wonder is it almost too short. I can imagine all this with every step I take. I am her now. She is a part of me. Needless to say, this is a great turn on for me and usually ends with me, how should I say, needing a nap? So, how do “I” feel when I am wearing heels? "We" feel satisfied. I don’t think there are many of us as members of this forum that have a dissimilar feeling. I read allot about freedom of choice here and have come to realize for myself that it is actually a bonding with the other sex I am looking for.

  4. Do you mind if I ask what perfume are you wearing.? What a lovely top you have on. Great Outfit! Those glasses are very smart looking. GREAT SHOES!!! Most women I know and most conversations I have been a part of the woman is most eager to inform me or others of their attire. Where they got "This old thing" and what a great deal they got on the purchase. It's my opinion a woman not only wears what makes her feel comfortable for the occasion but in the last moments before a mirror says to herself, "Yes, I can go outside now." Affirmation of that statement by others only gives her additional confidence. I believe it is even a greater feeling when a stranger next to you complements you on what you are wearing as there is no pressure to do so as an acquaintance would be obligated to do. Thus, Go On! Complement away. How many posts on this forum contain the remarks, "...and she gave me a wink and let me know she approved what I was wearing which made me feel GREAT!"

  5. The UPS man finally arrived and I had the box open before he drove off. The boots however, Waaaa, I dont think they are going to work. I guess its the thrill of the hunt that is so exciting. Better shopping next time. I'm just going to have to lay off the websites and stick with the stores. Waaaa Again.

    anybody interested in a once worn boot?


    just kidding, they will still look good in my closet I suppose.

  6. I abosolutely disagree with the desire to have THOSE police officers in my city. If they were, I suppose I would be spending half my time resisting arrest and the other locked up in a jail for resisting arrest planning the next offence of resisting of arrest. :roll:

  7. Here are three of my favorites. I've actually gotten the chance to visit The Red Door Store while in Charolette, NC. The sales people there are really nice and accomodating. Sexy Shoes, I'm holding judgement on because the friggin' UPS man is riding around town at this very moment with my new boots ( http://www.sexyshoes.com/p-1267-turn-up-the-heat.aspx ) and should have already been here. ARRRRGGG!




  8. Shock Queen, Me too (Checking UPS several times a day), Darn truck driver. He's probably sitting in some truck stop resting and doesn't even know the most important deliver of his life is aboard. HAHA. Just kissing of course. I've been eying these boots for some time now and finally gave in to the temptation and bought them. They are indeed my highest yet by 1 1/4". I am very comforatble in 5" heels however. In the attempt to keep my gate when I walk somewhat normal (Me walking like some little china girl is sort of a give-away, you know what I mean), my heel will forever want to slip out the back of the shoe. I'm hoping the tight fitting boot will eleviate that problem. I ordered the Patent style and ohhh so wanted to overnight them but the frickin' overnight charges were 1.5 times the price of the shoe. Ful is getting out of hand in the US, finally. So I wait and wait and wait on Mr UPS man.

  9. Thank you Roni. Yeah, I travel all over the country with my job and I get a bit of excitement built up in me when I know I'm going to be near a Casino. There are always hundreds of people too busy taking in what ever they are doing to be shoe shopping on other people's feet. Me on the other hand am looking, looking, looking. I've seen heels, full crossdressers (most bad but some darn good ones too) and just about any thing else you can think of mingling around. So, save up. Enjoy the evening. Let me know how it goes.

  10. I would venture to say that the majority of people in a casino are not gambling but mearly taking in the sights or moving from one spot to another. Think of it as a mall. Lots of room to walk around but as soon as you stop, there goes your money. haha. As for my boots, I have several pair which are always worn under my slacks or jeans.

  11. Greetings everybody, I have only recently found this wonderful website. I joined and love it. I hope it hangs around for some time. On to the subject. I found one of the best places ever to wear and enjoy heels is at a Casino. Tons of people and the noise level keeps curious ears from searching out the click-te-de-clack. The place is designed for us, I'm telling you. Have you ever wondered or even noticed the carpets are always a bold outlandish pattern? It's there to force ones eyes up. Awesome huh? Anyway, I spend countless hours wearing everything from boots to 5" stileto pumps (with slacks of course) at the Casinos across the US (I travel quite a bit) and the rush is a great feeling. A bonus is being able to lock ones foot on the rail of a chair with your heel. Very Comfortable position. I do have to say though, You'll miss the excitment of every step being an anoucement that you're wearing heels as you would on a marble floor but don't worry, you still need to get in and out. Best of luck to all and again, I'm very excited about the site.

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