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Posts posted by lcutter

  1. I'm a newbie here too. A female that gets grief for wearing heels? Mmm... what planet are these people on? Enjoy!

    Welcome, welcome!

    Yeah, I moved to a rural area and most people around here don't care much about looks, body weight, fashion, etc. So wearing high heels is like out there for a lot of these people. :roll:

    I hope you like the site and make some wonderful new friendships.


  2. Of course loving heels, I'm a lover of all kinds of accessories. I've come across this jewelry company called Janeo in the UK. Has anyone ever heard of them or done business with them?

    They have items for men and women. They are at www.janeojewels.com. I like some of the men's accessories, specifically a couple of the stainless steel bracelets. I'm thinking about getting a new leather cuff for myself for the summer. Prices seem reasonable.

    If anyone has any input, I'd love to learn more about them. Thanks.


  3. Hi all, I had no idea there was a high heel community. What an interesting place? Especially since I get knocked about my heels all the time. Yep, rural America doesn't seem to be too into them. But, they're hot and I feel sexy when I wear some of my favorites pairs. So where else could I be, but here? Glad to "meet" you all. I hope everyone is having a pleasant and relaxing weekend. Talk to you soon. ~Lisa

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