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Posts posted by Hempee

  1. Unexpected high heel travelling (part 2) The flight to Nice was going smoothly … I dozed off for a short while, still wearing my black « El Dantes » boots with stiletto heels. The passenger in the seat next to me, a beautiful auburn haired lady in fashionable clothes, suddenly asked me how it was that my shoes had such long pointed tips, and she added that she really liked them a lot. Now that woke me up immediately, and I told her my story and partially pulled up the leg of my jeans, showing her the full shaft and heels of my boots, and she was quite impressed I could walk on them. She immediately recognized the style and the brand, and said that she also wore this style often, she was actually wearing herself a pair of very stylish pumps, with heels of about the same height as mine. She suddenly started laughing softly, saying how funny it was, to be in a plane and sitting next to a MALE wearing the same kind of fashionable high heeled shoes while she thought she was the only FEMALE on board to wear this kind of heels … The pilot announced that we were going to land at Nice airport. We fastened our seat belts, and she fell silent for a while, as we were landing and rolling towards the airport terminal. Then came the moment of truth : we had to get up and leave the aircraft… I felt a little shaky, knowing that nobody would be waiting for me, I had to take public transport to get to the place of my friends, and wearing stiletto heels, that might be a little tricky. My new acquantaince told me her name was Giovanna, and that she was italian, and that she went to visit some friends in Nice, to continue later to Genova where she was living. She asked me about my destination, and I told her about visiting my friends. She wished me a good vacation, and said that I was welcome to visit her in Genova, and she even gave me her business card ! (what a pair of expensive shoes can do … ). The aircraft doors opened, we shuffled towards the exit (desparately trying not to step on someone’s foot), and we entered the terminal building which had, again, stone tiles on the floor … No problem, Giovanna’s stiletto’s were clicking even louder than mine, so people did not notice mine, they were all looking at Giovanna ! She told me that she had to wait for her luggage and that her boy-friend would be waiting for her, so we said goodbye. I went towards the exit of the building, looking for the bus to the city centre, and tried to walk as casual as possible, but I saw some people staring at my feet, so it went not totally unnoticed…. I got onto the bus last, not willing to have anyone behind me when I stepped onto the bus showing my heels in full glory. Once in the city, I thought that it would be too late to go shoe shopping still today, it was past seven, so shops would already be closed. I got off at the train station, and again faced the problem of entering a railway station without too much clicking of my heels … I tried to walk slowly and casually, and managed really well, but there was quite a queue at the ticket counter, so I had to join the line, feeling a little unsure about that.

  2. A friend of mine invited me to come and visit him and his girl-friend during their holiday in southern France, they were staying in a nice villa near Nice, and they had an extra bedroom I could use, so of course I said YES, I’m coming ! ! ! As it was just going to be a short weekend stay, I decided to book a flight from Belgium to Nice, and just take some very basic gear with me, in a small handcarry bag. So on Friday afternoon, after work, I went to my car in the carpark and wanted to drive to the airport. That was when it happened …. , my left shoe caught at a sharp concrete slab used to divide the parking lots, and I fell over it, hearing some ripping noises. Crawling back to my feet, I immediately noticed that the sole of my shoe had been torn almost entirely off the shoe. I had a problem : there was not much time left to drive to the airport and I had no shoes to wear … But I had no choice, and drove to the airport, where I parked my car, and went inside the terminal, on my socks ! Thinking that I had better find a new pair of shoes quickly, I soon discovered that there was a shoe shop in the tax free zone of the airport terminal, so I headed that way immediately after checking in and going through customs. Not much time left .. The sales lady of the shoe shop looked down at my feet and said : Oh, it seems as if you may need a pair of shoes ! Unfortunately, this is a ladies’ shoe shop, we don’t sell male shoes, but there is one in the other terminal. Right …. Thank you so much …

    I explained her a little impatiently about the fact that the pair I had been wearing was damaged beyond repair, and that there was a real need for a quick solution, even if it was only temporary until I could go shopping for new shoes in Nice.

    She thought about that, looked around in her shop and then asked me : what is your shoe size ? Fortunately, for a male I have a rather small size and narrow feet, so I told the sales lady my size : EU 41. Well, as it was a really small shop, she did not have a very wide choice in this size, she said, and she also remarked that they were rather into the more fashionable ladies shoes and boots. Especially in size 41 almost all of the more daily wear models that might have been more or less OK for a man, had been sold, she told me, she only had a few rather stylish ones left, and she looked around the shop to find something for me. It took a while, and then she went into the back of the shop and finally came back with only 2 boxes, one normal size, and one large black box, which I immediately suspected to contain a pair of boots.

    Well, she said, I really think I cannot help you, the only 2 pairs I have left in size 41 are with stiletto heels, which I still have because women wearing a size 41 usually are too tall to wear such high stiletto’s, that’s why they don’t sell too well. And she proceeded to open the large black box, which carried the brand name « El Dantes », and she took out a pair of gorgeous high black boots, looking a little as a Texas style, so they could be considered more or less OK for a man, except that they were of a very feminine style and had under them a pair of at least 11 cm high stiletto heels ! From the other, smaller box of the same brand, she took out a pair of equally gorgeous pale blue snakeskin shoes with extremely pointed toes and thin ankle straps, and with even thinner 11 cm high white metal heels. These were looking extremely delicate to wear. You probably don’t want either of these, she said to me, they are to girlish and you probably cannot manage the heels. And that is where she was wrong … I have had transgender feelings since many years, and I am wearing high heels at home most of the time, so that part could be easily overcome … the female side in me even got really excited ! I told her so, and she laughed and said : then obviously you’ll have no problem to choose one from these 2 pairs, they both go very well under your blue jeans, why don’t you try a pair on ? Well, I said to her, I don’t really have a lot of time left, and not willing to risk

    buying only one pair and finding out after some time that they hurt my feet too much, I told her I would take both 2 pairs, and that I would now wear the black boots and take the pale blue pumps with me. Ok she said, and I sat down and proceed to slip my feet into the black boots. This I did, of course, only after slipping off my socks and asking her for a pair of knee length nylon stockings, which she was happy to provide. It was a great feeling, the stockings were so soft and I immediately noticed that the size of the boots was correct, and that the fit was perfect, they were actually feeling surprisingly comfortable. I got up and walked a few paces, and the sales lady said that she was surprised to see that I walked really well in them. I made a few more tries by walking the shop up and down and it felt better with every step I took. The sales lady was completely overawed, she said she had never seen anything like it, that I was walking on the stilettoes as if I had never worn anything else … Of course I was greatly flattered by her compliments, and decided that I would continue to wear these boots as long as I could manage. Time was becoming a problem quickly now, so back to reality : I asked her how much I needed to pay for the 2 pairs and she told me that these were very expensive shoes, but that she would give me a reduction of 20 % as a courtesy to a special customer. I still paid more than 400 euros and swallowed pretty hard when she showed me the bill, but then I looked at my watch, said OK, I quickly paid by creditcard and started walking as fast as I could to the gate, still wearing the black boots and carrying the box with the pumps along in a plastic bag (I left the box of the boots at the shop). It simply felt perfect ! ! ! The boots were just fantastic to wear, and as my blue jeans’ legs were long enough, they covered most of the heels, so people hardly noticed my towering stiletto heels while walking.

    The terminal corridor was endlessly long, so I had to speed up to get to the gate in time. I started running …, and then the carpeted floor changed into gleaming stone tiles, and I heard the immediate sharp clicking of my stilettoes on the tiles. Dammn tiles, I thought, but I just had to keep going … and try not to fall. There it was : gate 76, flight to Nice already boarding… I got to the gate just in time … I went past the ticket check in one swift move, waving my check in card at the ground stewardess, and slowed down my pace a little, with a great feeling of having made it, on STILETTO HEELS ! The next thing I knew was that I was seated in the aircraft next to a great looking girl, and that we were airborne …

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