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Ms Maria

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Posts posted by Ms Maria

  1. Thankyou all for your helpful advice. Just want to give some feedback- finally got up the courage to give it a try - and pleased to say all went well - tried a variety of heels and all good - though did leave some heel marks and the odd scratch on him- but he seems to really enjoy it so I'm all OK with it - actually made me feel quite feminine-whats more - we are going shoe shopping together next weekend so I'm not complaining!!!! once again thanks to you all for your suggestions and encouragement - Maria

  2. Thanks Amanda- My partner and i have talked about it some more - - he assures me that I WONT hurt him - in fact thats part of what he wants - is the feeling of the heels digging in (yikes)!! but having let the idea sink in a bit I will probably give it a try and see where we go from there. I'm not too sure how to go about balancing as it seems to me that is most likely when I would cause some damage if I slipped ;) any ideas to minimise that happening?

  3. Hiya All! I just Love high heels and have about 25 pairs of nice shoes varying from kitten heels up to 4-5 inch thin spiked heels. My new partner of 6 months has left me feeling very confused and I need some help. Just this weekend he bought me a pair of sexy 4inch black stiletto courts. Naturally I was very pleasantly surprised. Then he dropped a bombshell which has floored me. He then told me that he has a high heel shoe fetish and feels comfortable enough to bring it up with me as our relationship seems to be really good - I am 43 and he is 46. the bombshell part is that he told me of his desire for me to walk on him while wearing my heels - both on his back/front!! I replied that I cant do that as I would hurt him - he replied that its a thing he has always wanted to do and that he could handle it no trouble as I only weigh 60 kg- this freaked me out a bit and I probably didnt handle the shock too well:unsure: - I've never heard of or struck this before and am unsure how to proceed without some input from other girls. I feel to awkward talking about it with my freinds as I am rather private about these things. What I need to know is : is there anyone who has experienced this before?(as it sounds pretty weird) if so was all OK ?- I mean to my mind there is a significant risk of hurting the guy - at the same time he is a very kind and considerate gentleman but this one has really floored me!;)

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