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Posts posted by alba2000

  1. I must admit I am enjoying reading all these posts! It seems I am not so unusual after all! I wonder if this leads to another question as a few people have mentioned the same circumstances as me... i.e. my wife doesn't enjoy heels so is there some kind of additional need on my part to wear them since she rarely wears heels of any kind. Who knows... probably a whole other thread, I should stick to topic! :smile: Thanks again for all the great posts so far! :)

  2. To me it's not a competition, just a good thing that we both have some that we like.

    It's not really a competition thing for me either... it was more that it happened and I didn't realise initially. I just thought it was kind of funny. :-)

    I 'only' have 7 pairs, so it's not like my wardrobe is overflowing. At least I don't think it is, my wife might think differently! :smile:

  3. After buying a new pair of heels last weekend it hit me during the week that I now have more pairs than my wife. :smile: Granted, she doesn't like wearing heels so it's maybe not as impressive as it sounds! It got me thinking whether that was common amongst the community...

  4. Just doing a bit of online 'window' shopping at M&S and noticed a section I'd never seen before in the shoe dept... "larger sizes". It appears M&S now stock a few shoes in 8, 8.5 and 9! Nothing too high, but it's nice to see them offer 9's now. Well done Marks & Spencers! :chuckle:

  5. I was at the cinema for the first time in ages this week and saw "Surrogates", Bruce Willis' latest action film about robots and society in the future. It was pretty good, however there is an excellent action sequence where he is chasing after a female surrogate/robot who is has some fine heels on. I couldn't help but think at the time I haven't seen a more high octane chase sequence with heels before... being a 'robot' obviously helped with the outlandish moves. :chuckle: Anyone else seen this film and enjoyed it too?

  6. Alba, those look great! I love the bow detail. They have several pairs on that web site that I like, but alas, none in size 9, which I would need at a minimum. I take it you can wear less than a 9?

    Just noticed you are in the US, that would make nipping into the store slightly tricky! 99% sure there are no Debenhams in the USA, never seen any when I've been visiting in the past. Sorry!

  7. Alba, those look great! I love the bow detail. They have several pairs on that web site that I like, but alas, none in size 9, which I would need at a minimum. I take it you can wear less than a 9?

    Thanks! Am wearing them just now and love 'em! I take a UK9 for my normal male shoes/trainers... but can get away with UK8's for some makers on heels. I guess socks can make that difference! They feel pretty good on so long as I'm wearing tights. :)

    You might get away with them if you can wear some UK8's. Worth nipping into a Debenhams early when it's quiet and trying em on. That's what I did in Glasgow. :)

  8. thanks! I kind of guessed leg shaving might be the answer. I have fairly thin legs so the tops of the hold-ups aren't super tight on me and had wondered if that was the problem. Anyway, in the mean time I guess I'll move on to tights (pantyhose). :thumbsup: Can't go wrong with those I'd think.

  9. Hi! Hopefully I'm not covering old ground here... but I love my heels and am now trying to get sorted with hold-up stockings to make my heeling more comfortable! Anyway, I am having trouble picking ones that stay up! I am 6ft with 30/32" inch waist. I have tried M&S (large) and Pretty Polly (large). Any suggestions? :thumbsup: Thanks!

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