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Posts posted by stuffs

  1. When I told my girlfriend she was accepting. We even go grocery shopping and I will wear heels, I think she doesn't mind because she is a little taller than me and when I wear heels I am slightly taller than her (depending on which ones) When I wear them she will even give me remarks like "oh those are really cutie" She has even offered to take my shopping but I have not done that yet, for now I have just gone solo (even though I do try them on at the store) The only people to give me grief is my work. I answer phones all day and my leader (boss) brought up that the leader of other people saw it and did not approve,(not my peers or co-workers just the other boss) which is stupid because no one can see me on a phone! Granted I did wear 5 inch pumps but still i had long jeans that you couldn't even tell how tall they really were. I made up a story and said that I have ankle problems and a lifted heel is the only way to make it feel better.

  2. So, a few months ago my car got stolen with 2 of my favorite heels in them. I had a pair of 5" pumps (ellie) That I enjoyed wearing, and a pair of 80%20 Hidden wedge sneakers.

    Today I decided to go replace my 5 inch pumps at the same store I got them from Renas Wild Wear http://www.renas.com/ . I went in and since I knew how they were very accepting of men with heels I wore my new Nine West 3 1/2 wedge heels (discreate as per other thread) I actually talked to them for a good hour or two about heels, (owner women) has a shoe fetish, which works well considering the product she sells. Anyways she offered me a part time job (since holloween is coming soon) to work there,which is awesome she said I could get shoes and such at cost :smile: and get paid hourly too of course. Which is great, I think I will take her up on the offer I just need to see if its ok with my girlfriend. They actually have a good policy if you find it cheaper online or otherwise (any of their products) in stock they will match the price.

    But thats not all! I did get my repacement 5 inch pumps (in black patent) although I decided to go with a 9 instead of a 10 this time (mostly cause they didn't have a 10 in stock. And its a little tight but not to bad, we talked about how in the 17 years shes owned a store only 2 men have gotten 6 inch pumps. She watched me walk in the 5 inch and said if I ordered the 6 inch pumps she would give them to me at cost! She said most men don't have the ablity to walk in 6 inch heels so she was interested to see if I was able to. So needless to say I need to spend some more time in my 5 inch to condition myself for the 6 inch heels. The only sitpulation since they are special order is i can't return them so i have to make sure the shoe size is correct before ordering. I am going to go back tommrrow and place them on order because I have wanted some 6 inch heels for a while. Anyways I thought this was exciting and can't wait to see where this takes me!

    P.S. If anyone knows....Generally I wear a size 8.5 US shoe but the size 9 was tight on my in the 5 inch pump, should I order a size 10 for the 6 inch? I am worried and when you start getting into 6 inch territory I want them to fit right, less room for error the larger the shoe gets IMO.

    Anyways thanks for reading I will keep you updated, somehing tells me my shoe collection is going to get big here in the coming months!

  3. I got these shoes for work. They are nothing extravigent as I dont think my work would accept anything to crazy but they do have a 2 1/2" wedge hidden in them. Just a way to get by without being to noticed. I also figure this is a good way to "Ease" my girlfriend into my wearing which should help since she is a good few inches taller than me.

    Posted Image

  4. I just started a new job that requires me to wear shoes. I was wondering if there were any heels that you have found that are "mens wear" enough that they could pass without shouting "im wearing heels!" I know payless has a few but the pointy tip gives it away. Any ideas?

  5. Hi, I just bought a new pair (1st pair) of 5" pumps. I had no intensions of trying them on at the store (club wear store around my area) But I figured if I was going to spend 30 dollars on a pair I should. Usally I go for a 8 1/2 size (US) shoe for most my heels, but they only had whole sizes. The people there were very nice and helped me try on the shoes. They don't allow people to try the shoes on in the dressing rooms so it was a bit akward at 1st when I was tring it on and they were watching me. The size 9 was too large and the size 10 was slightly too big, but the offered some pads that help make it fit better and after some adjustments the size 10 fit me very well. I walked around in them to see how they looked. Feeling weird since no one knows I wear heels including my girlfriend I walked around the store to make sure that they were comfortable. The girl helping me told me that I walked very naturally with them. After a few minutes (and still feeling weird) I made the purchase. I feel better knowning that they were understanding and helpful with my purchase, so I can see myself going back there for more purchases (which could become a money pit!) Anyways just wanted to share my experiances shopping for shoes. Very different from when I will go into a bigger store pick the shoe real quick try to find a quiet corner to try them on real quick, making sure no one see's me.

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