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Posts posted by silkyheels

  1. Actually, I've realised fairly recently that this might be part of the reason why I want to wear high heels deisigned for women. It's made me rethink my desire to wear women's shoes out and about, so I now focus on finding more masculine styles with heels instead - I like the height and the sound of them, but prefer the feminine aspect of them on women. I still wear feminine heels around the house, but I think they're linked to a more sexual aspect of my passion for heels; as you say, possibly in order to try to recreate the physical attraction I feel towards an attractive woman in heels. A good insight, certainly, and perhaps one of the reasons why some men wear more feminine heels.

  2. Thanks Happyfeat. The Poste Mistress shoes are definitely my favourite pair, a recent purchase and I love them! Thanks, Gary0618. I actually got the brown Mary Janes in Asda, which shows how classy I am! They were only £12, though, and fit beautifully, so I could hardly refuse to buy them. Presumably that means you won't be able to get them in the U.S. Walmart, perhaps, who own Asda? Do they sell shoes?

  3. I had a slightly unusual experience on a University campus last night; specifically, it was in the library.

    I went in to get some books, left my bag by a desk and set off to find the books I wanted. It took me rather longer than I had anticipated, so it was quite a while until I went back to my bag. There wasn't much in the bag, just a few items of stationary, pieces of paper, a bicycle lock, that sort of thing. Oh, and these:


    When I returned, intending to put on the shoes and continue my search since the library was quite empty by that time, I found my bag had gone. I searched frantically for it, but couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually I went to the security desk and asked if anyone had handed it in.

    They asked me to describe the bag, then when I had, exchanged amused and slightly incredulous glances. They then made me describe the contents of the bag, lingering slightly on the shoes, before returning it to me and lecturing on me on leaving my belongings unattended.

    I blustered a half-hearted claim that they weren't my shoes, at which they all stifled a small giggle, then attempted to maintain my dignity by walking slowly back into the library. I could hear them whispering and laughing as I walked away. The female of the three seemed the most sympathetic, she even gave me a small wave and a wink when I saw her again later, but I'll keep my things with me at all times from now on!

    Or I'll just wear them, that would be far easier...

  4. My girlfriend was quite shocked when I told her about my heels, but she initially seemed fairly understanding and let me wear them in front of her sometimes, even letting me borrow hers a couple of times. But after a while it became clear that she wasn't comfortable with it and now she's admitted she's not happy about me wearing them in front of her, so I don't. She stated two reasons, similar to some of those expressed already on this thread: 1) She thinks they make me look feminine and she likes me for my maleness/masculinity/manliness (oh yes!). She says she would think it was really cool if I were just her friend, she would encourage it even, but it's different when she sees me as the male figure in our relationship. 2) She thinks people will judge her negatively if they know I wear them. She admits this is slightly selfish (although I don't think it's unreasonable - or necessarily unjustified), but feels she would struggle to come to terms with it. Although I don't fully agree with either of these opinions, I completely understand why she holds them and would never be so presumptuous as to try to convince her she's wrong. However, she has recently talked the issue over with some of her friends, and doesn't want to dismiss it out of hand, so I have not given up completely. I am, therefore, going to find some cowboy boots or something similar with a reasonable heel and see how they go down, and take it from there. I don't mean to hijack the thread, I just felt my experience was very similar to those in the original post, so I thought sharing my experience might help to understand it a bit better. I was always told that 'communication is the key', and now I'm beginning to see the value of this.

  5. I put 5" but, on reflection, that may have been a little optimistic! I could probably totter around the mile on them but I don't think I'd be able to walk for a week! I'd give it a go, though! Those 'walk a mile in her shoes' events look brilliant - not only do they support a good cause but they must be the best excuse ever to get out in public in heels in front of lots of people.

  6. Name: David Age: 20 Gender: Male Location: England Occupation: Student Height: 5'11" Weight: Don't know Shoe size: UK 8-9 What's your favourite heel style: Varies What's your favourite shoe style: Oxford/Mary Jane Do you wear your heels outside: Sometimes What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 4" (;) Your highest heel height: 5" How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: Most days (:cool1: Your highest heel height: Twice a week-ish Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: All (but not at once!) Anything else you wish to add: I'm very glad I found this place, it's given me the confidence to get to grips with my love for heels. Hello everyone!

  7. I voted style: it's more important to me when I go out because I prefer not to wear too feminine a style of heel. When I'm in the privacy of my own home, however, I like to practise walking in the highest heels I have, which aren't very high yet but will be higher once I've hit the shops with my friends. My answer might change after that!

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