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Posts posted by cajunheels

  1. Hello, and welcome aboard! I am cajunrebel from Louisiana,USA. I,too am a heterosexual male who happens to love wearing heels. I live in a very conservative part of the United States where the idea of a man wearing high heels is neither understood,nor appreciated. I know where you are coming from,describing the scene in Brazil. You are truly blessed to have a wife who supports you and accepts you for who you are. I don't have that luxury with mine, on the other hand. My daughter, however, is very understanding, and accepts the fact that I enjoy wearing heels. She is a wonderful,and very accepting person. As for your command of English, there is nothing wrong with the way you express yourself, no apologies are necessary. What part of Brazil are you from? Always wanted to visit your country,still do as far as that goes. It was nice to reply back,would love to hear from you soon.:smile::wave::silly:
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