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Posts posted by KiraLA

  1. On 2002-06-10 06:30, Laurieheels wrote:

    Loin cloths for the boys, please! Or maybe leather pants and that's it. Ys, leather pants.

    aw man, I knew I should've bought some leather pants last time I saw some at the Gap. *pout*

  2. On 2002-05-30 14:06, Dexter23 wrote:

    I also tried to sleep in high heeled boots. after a bout 1 hour I wake up and then the shoes must come off. My veet realy hurt than.

    I think sleeping in boots is the problem there. I tried sleeping in some strappy heels a few days ago and they were fine. :smile: I think the key is to have your feet mostly exposed.
  3. On 2002-06-01 09:26, Jeff wrote:

    Are they stilettos or block/blade heels?

    Well, first time was chunky heels, about 3.5" of height (1.5" platform 5" heel). Then this last time I had on 3" boots with heels that were narrow, though not as small as stilettos.

    Someone else said weight should go on the balls of the feet... But I've watched women walk (a lot :smile: ) and they clearly put their heel down first, and that's what I'm trying to emulate.

  4. I've tried going out in heels twice now, and both times I started slow on the sidewalk. I can walk perfectly fine in my house (both on carpet and tile) but when I get on the sidewalk I cannot walk right. Every time I step, I can feel the heel bending, but I'm paying close attention and I know I'm not putting my feet down any differently.

    I really want to show off these new boots in public! Any suggestions?

  5. About a month ago I got some knee-high ballet boots from Punitive Shoes, and unfortunately my calves are a tad too big and I have a hard time lacing the boots up. Well I decided to try again last night, got one successfully tied and the other sort-of successfully.

    I managed to stand up in them, although no way can I get my legs straight.

    I then put in my pony tail butt plug (mmmm, love that toy) and settled down to watch some TV. I fell asleep and woke up about 90 minutes later, my ankles really sore. My right foot can already extend straight into pointe position (no idea how, I've never taken ballet!) but not my left, and it wasn't used to being in that position.

    I managed to massage my feet so I wasn't sore in the morning. But I'll be careful about that in the future.

  6. On 2002-05-26 10:56, Calv wrote:

    Hi Kira and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join up.

    What sort of heels are you into?

    I've been collecting mostly spike heels (I love the picture of the 5" spiky boots that the frequest posters have). Not shoes that really lend themselves to being worn at work (I don't have SQ's confidence :smile: ).

    My current favorites are a pair of black strappy 6" heels, 2" platform. They had a leg strap, but it wasn't that comfortable so I cut the straps off, and I like them better now. Is there an appropriate place to post self-pics here?

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