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Posts posted by lovespikes

  1. as some of you may remember I came out to my gf at Halloween. since then we have been talking and she really doesn't mind me heeling in the house. outside is a different story but I will not be pushing the issue. she has said she doesn't mind at Halloween which is a start. but what she does like is going shoe shopping now as I can go a discuss heels with her.


    On our last trip out to the shops we she was browsing the shoes and asking what one I liked. I had seen a pair of shoes that for some reason I really liked (not my usual style, but for some reason I just fell in love with them lol). so I showed them to her and to my surprise she said  " well if you like them why don't you see if they have them in your size and get them".  they are not your everyday type of shoes! but I did ask and they did have them in my size, and guess what............ yip I bought them with her there. I have had them on a few times and the fit is a bit tight so hoping that they losen of with a bit of wear




  2. Thanks for the advice Steve, much appreciated. I know what you are saying! Not many people are willing to accept you for who you truely are. think this one is deffo a keeper :-) . i havent been pushing it at all infact i havent heeled since saturday, it just good to know that she wont mind if i do

  3. I think i have a before we went out mirror photo on my phone will see if i can get it posted jkrenzer. Thanks guys, its a huge weight of my shoulders now she knows. I have hidden the intrest in heels for 6 year but i have only started heeling for about 7 months. She really doesnt seem that bothered by it, altho if she had of caught me hidding it it may have been a diffrent outcome. so it does pay to be honest ! we will take it slow so i dont freak her ouf lol. just need to find some stores that stock my size to go shoe shopping!

  4. As it is Halloween my girlfriend and I went out to a Halloween burlesque party in Glasgow. I had ran it past her to go out dressed more in womans attire. these burlesque nights the crowed get dressed up all the time with the girls wearing corsets and pretty much nothing else apart from heels. so I was dressed in a custom made corset giving me a 24" waist along with a tutu skirt and 4.5" strappy sandals. I don't think she noticed that I could acutualy walk and dance in them! and wore them for 8 hrs!  had a great night with some awesome comments from both guys and girls. anyway the past few days we have been talking about it and I have told her that I have always liked high heels and would like to wear them more often (just about the house to ease her into it) to my suprise she is pretty open to the idea. the only concern she has is that because of her health issues she cannot wear heels and would get jelous. she also laughed when I told her to clear some space for all my new shoes. a happy ending!!!

  5. Thanks DR Shoe and Sleekheels. I say it was late at night but really it was around 23.30 so there was still people kicking around, and still a bit of natural light. I think I need to work on my confidence before going out in a crowded public place! but I will get there one day, maybe not in 5" to start with

  6. Thanks guys, will deffo be doing it again. altho supermarket floors can be a bit tricky! A wee bitty slidey with spikes on. i didnt make a fool of myself, had it all under control

  7. Well i finally took my first steps out in public. it felt great although i was nervous, i went out to a tesco late at night. i was going for some munchies! I got some looks of the staff but i wasnt bothered. i even asked where some stuff was. when i turned round i could see the assistan had called someone else over to see. i was wearing my pleaser 5" pumps. god i should have done that along time ago

  8. Thanks for the welcome thighbootguy. I didnt mean i had fully masterd the art of walking in heels, its more of i dont have any wobles or such. I also have both wooden and carpeted floors. a reasable training ground. i am a wee bit away from going out in public yet. It was my ex girlfriend that really struggled with the 3", but no she didnt know! My current girlfriend does know either. unfotunatly she cannot wear heels as she has joint hypermobility, and heels cause her severe agony. i am also working up to telling her as she is very accepting

  9. high guys, i have just came across this forum and was wondering if there is any more scottish heelers on here? I have always had a passion for heels and only recently bought my first pair. the joy of struutting around in 5" heels. i feel blessed as i have took to heels like a duck to water, just put them on and off i went. just need to pluck up the guts to go out in public!

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