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Posts posted by h20_designs

  1. Hi all

    My latest design is finally finished despite quite a few unexpected delays.

    So here it is the latest design:


    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3

    As you can see I was trying to create a piece which resembled from you know what film I meant where SJP wears those oh-so famous - extreme gladiator heels made popular by the oh you know what I meanfilm. However I guess I just haven't been very successful with it and it looks all a rather bit too plain when compared to my previous designs - however fear not - the next design I promise will be back to usual madness if not even madder.

    Anyway the video link:

    It shan't be long - guess it maybe a few months of possibly in a fortnight but it will depends whether I get my new job or not.

    Take care and all the best


  2. Hi new member Beigeboots, Welcome to HHPlace and I hope you have a great time here. There is perfectly nothing wrong with men liking high heels. According to history, in the days of the Renaissance, men wore high heels. King Louis XIV wore high heels of which were beautifully decorate with war scenes and some were even 5 inches tall. Fast forward to nowadays when Cowboy boots and 80's platforms arrived - the heels on them are much taller than trainers and people have no complaints about them so why should people be complaining about guys in high heels and boots. My answer is just that people perspectives nowadays are just shallow, they conform to peer pressure and latest designer trends rather than seeing things from another perspective and being more individual and unique. Afterall who said high heels were only just restricted to women fashion only? Anyway welcome again! H20_Designs

  3. First off all, thanks for the thanks! I hate being detrimental to anyones work, but felt in the interests of safety I had to says something.

    A lot of people would have taken offence!

    this is a little difficult for me to answer for two reasons! the first is the type of heel blocks you are searching for aren't the main stream, which is basically the area I deal in.... I would think a search on the internet "might" pull up a retail supplier of such items??????

    I could forward you details of some wholesalers, but unless your "true" trade I wouldn't have thought they would supply as they require references for accounts.

    the second, is lasts in the true sense of the word fall into two categories those for manufacture, which I would think what you are looking for, these hold the shape & cut of the upper as the shoe is build & those the likes of which I use which hold the shape of the sole only, which is needed for the repair stage. since I don't make shoes from scratch I haven't a supplier of pre-formed manufacturing lasts. "new" repair lasts are a colossal price & I would think ebay should be the most economical choice. However I can give you the details of a manufacture of "new" ones if you need it.


    Hi member shoerepairer,

    Thanks again for you email. I personally think feedback whether that be positive or negative is excellent and vital as that how people learn, understand, improve and progrress. Plus safety is very important and I know that because I studied as a product/design technologist and engineering.

    In regards to the heels - standards heels are great because at least it means I can concentrate my creativeness on the uppers rather than the heels. So if you could kindly PM me with the details - it would be most greatly appreciated.

    As for lasts, you certainly know what I'm looking for i.e the ones for manufacturing. I will certainly have a look on ebay.

    Once again thanks for your help!

    Have a great day


  4. Thanks all for you reply and advice. Most greatly appreciated. Certainly agree with member 'shoerepairer' about stresses placed on the heel and dangerous aspects.

    The shoe on sale @ ebay as an Art Sculpture piece only and are intended just for display purposes only. On the auction, there is many clearly red notes telling buyers that the the item is not suitable for wearing and is for display purpose only.

    But certainly I will bear that in mind about future designs.

    As for member t-strap lover

    I certainly like your idea however I don't exactly have a mig/tig welder so I am not able to make shoes completely out of metal, but wires and old boards - it's possible but again, if a piece were to be made then it would still be sold like the few other pairs I already sold on ebay as 'Art Sculpture - display purposes only.

    Anyway once again, thanks for all the replies, comments and advice especially from shoerepairer

    PS: to member shoerepairer - any idea of where I could buy heels and lasts from? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Hello all!!!!

    Hope all is well. I recently bought a plain looking wedges thinking I would turn them into a pair of boots however I sorta went the other direction and turned them into a pair of beastie little 6 inch high heelers. Not the best looking but for handcrafted - - suppose it's ok. At least I'm stilling learning and perfecting them so hopefully the next pair should be a lot better finished.

    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3


    Righthey ho - thats all for now - new metal shoes should be done by the end of month so I'm going to get back on it.

    PS: These new shoes will be on ebay shortly by the end of this weekend for slae - so please do check them out.

    Thanks and Kindest Regards


  6. Hi all

    Just a quick update about them metal high heels I created. The got sold on ebay and the first buyer just bidded on it but never went through with the purchase however surprising I put a buy it now price with best offer and this ebay member just came along and bought it at list price of £99.99.

    Link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170249099440&ssPageName=ADME:L:EOISSA:UK:11

    so well pleased!!!

    Anyway my update is that the new high heels are 1/2 way through completion and I hope to get them finished by the end of next week - will post some photos too.

  7. The pleasure is all mine, I'm sure.

    A few points.

    First, I could not locate the ebay posting. Which is a pity, for I might have bid on them.

    Secondly, as stated by another member in your other thread- listing the size of the shoe is essential for potential buyers who intend to wear them.

    Third, starting a MySpace to promote your designs seems essential in this day and age, plus, it costs you nothing. While selling things via MySpace is verboten, it is an excellent medium for promoting things, and you can link to your sales site and send out bulletins announcing new creations, etc. You can also post links to specific ebay listings.

    Again, very excited to see your work and look forward to enjoying the results of your creativity for years to come. Best of luck to you.

    Hi Wuornos,

    Thanks for your excellent advice. I will take them aboard and consider them for next time too and Myspace definately seems a good idea - will definately look into it.

    Thanks again!


  8. How long can somebody walk in completely stainless steel heels without having really serious foot pain? Or is this part of the fun?

    Hi Heelma,

    With the current designs, the heels are mostly for scupture art work purpose so am quite unsure about how long someone could wear them. Guess you could call it fun. However future designs will be more wearable and so wearers should be able to wear it for a more prolonged period of time.

    Thanks for your message.


  9. H2O, what sizes are you doing these in?


    Hi Andi

    Thanks for your message. In regards to your reply, the shoes are

    UK Size 6 / US 8 and the current design is more sculpture art work so it's more art form over function. The next design of which I'm currently sourcing materials for will be a design where it will be more wearable and hopefully more confortable too. It's will be a mix of leather inners and metal uppers.

    Kindest Regards


  10. Hello all,

    Wonderful forum thread here about Metal Stainless Steel Shoes. 6IHF have recently been making them 100% stainless steel high heels again (please see link below)


    Think they are starting from $350 + dollars so give or take with current exchange rate: about £175.98 + postage on top.

    Oh and btw - my latest creation is up for sale on ebay - so take a look if you wish.


    Well keep up the great work with the post - looking forward to creating my next new design which should hopefully be done by the end of next month.

    All the best!


  11. WOW!!!

    You are SO AMAZING....

    I am SOOOOO happy you posted here. I have looked at the video you posted, and also your blog (http://metalhighheelstemptations.blogspot.com/)

    and I am BOOKMARKING you, baby. I deeply admire your talent and vision. And so young! I look forward to following your career for many years to come. My GOD- such awe-inspiring creations you have wrought. You will go far my friend, VERY VERY far- in feet, in fetish, in ART culture- whatevah you wanna do hon. Massive Kudos. Respect.


    P.S. are you on Myspace? PM me! xox.

    Hello everyone,

    First of all Thank You for your wonderful and motivational reply Wuornos.

    I'm glad that there are people out there like yourself who appreciates my high heel designs and think that they are 'awe-inspiring'. I do apologise for not getting back quicker , as I'm currently in the process of designing and creating a new pair thus the delay. I'm also in process of investigating and reserarching of creating high heels just out of wood too. Should be great fun! Anyway I'll post a new post when they are done and I look forward to the next post!

    Take care and all the best


    PS: The high heel design sculture Vengence will be listed on ebay for 10 days - starting from the 23/07/08. So please check it out. Thank you!

  12. Hi there all

    Some of the mmebr may already know I create my own high heels and that I have sold two pieces of my design work on ebay.

    Just to let you know that you can view photo galleries of them on youtube and also I just recently finished a pair off.

    Below is the link to see my latest high heel creation which I will be putting on ebay for sale soon in order to create more new designs. You can also see my other video of another design I created and sold to collector in Norway.

    Thank you and Kindest Regards


  13. Hi there Thnaks all for your your messages - apologies for delays in replying back. In regards to your questions - here are the replies. A typical pair of high heels would take anything from 1 week to 2 weeks as I have to have design it first, find fspare funds to buy the material required, followed by making it when I have time. In total there have been 4 made in the collection of which 2 have already been sold on ebay. As for leather, well I've not got round to making any of them as I'm trying to find some shoe lasts. Any ideas anyone of where to get hold of a pair of wooden shoe lasts? Thanks in advance and have a great weekend all!

  14. Hello everyone at High Heel Place.

    I am a new member here and I though I leave an introduction message about myself. I am male and I love high heels. I actually also custom make, create and customise high heels with metal. Below was my first art creation - There is more pics of other heels I have created at my blog which is where the following pictures and text have come from.


    H20_Design Creation 001

    Shoe Name: Torture

    I'm sure those who are looking at this blog will be or should be or maybe in awe of the folowing metal high heel creation. This was the first piece created and has been sold to a lucky ebay member in Norway. The name torture was used due to the heels look torturous to wear but actually aren't- quite surprising ain't it?

    As you can see although the high heel sculture has many minor sharp edges - it is wearable.

    How many pairs of these kind of shoe do you expect to see in the world - probably one because no pair of shoes are the same and I've onlt created one pair of these unless somebody out there has created another pair?


    These shoes are certainly perfect for your other half if they are always annoying as once they put their feet in, you can lock them with the padlocks although those who are quite intelligent may use a bolt cutter or pick the lock to get out of them quickly.


    Plus on the insoles, it is again polished aluminium and there are annoying little screws that are there to secure the insole yet also to serve stimulation to the nerve ends in the foot thus heightening the wearers experience.

    These are certainly no ornidary high heels either as the heel may look weird but acutally the total heel hieght is 5" inches. Not only will these scream to other people ' look at me' , people will probably ask where you got them from and ask you if they are comfortable to wear or not.


    Let me know what you think about them. I would certainly love to hear your comments

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