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Patent Red

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Posts posted by Patent Red

  1. Good shout with Bettie Paige. She is still alive, but she underwent a dramatic life conversion in the 60's, and largely shunned her previous life. Check out the biopic movie The Notorious Bettie Paige - highly recommended.

    How about Heidi klum? Naomi Campbell? Jennifer Jason Leigh (think SWF)?

  2. It's a good point well put. I was just thinking of a few to get the ball rolling - I assume everyone looks for someone / something different. All depends what you're looking for. Also, I purposely didn't include anyone deceased - I thought it might be a bit difficult. But like I said in my original post, there is no right or wrong!

  3. Hi Everybody Got a new poll here, which I came up with reading some other threads. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to this one (which reflects my tastes more than anyone else!), but I'm interested to see what people think. I've based my thinking on who (I think) looks good, who wears them a lot, and who seems to makes heels a lifestyle choice. Happy voting!

  4. Thanks for your replies - I was wondering if I stunk or something! I know where you're coming from re the 'hidden' heel - many's the time that I've seen / heard (don't forget the sound - that ALONE can be enough to get one going) and wondered what exactly are they wearing? Does it suit them? (usually yes). How sexy do they look (usually very!). It can do wonders for the imagination . . .

  5. Hi I'm a big fan of stilettos on women - prefereably 4" + heel court shoes. I'm someone who believes that stilettoes can make any woman look fantastic, and that they should be appreciated properly. I'm also interested in the 'philosophy' of high heels - why do women like them? Why do men like women in them? We all think we know the reasons - but is there more to it? I've been fortunate enough to . . . enjoy women who know how to enjoy their shoes in the past. Any one else been so fortunate? Look forward to hearing from you! :smile:

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