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Posts posted by centercab

  1. Are there any guys other than me that likes wearing boots barefooted? I just really enjoy the feel of soft nylon tricot lining on my legs and feet as I wear my boots. I've been wearing womens kneeboots for 20+ years and though I sometimes like to wear pantyhose I only like boots bare. Whats everyone else take on this?;)

  2. This kinda goes along with the last post about wearing boots barefooted. I am a male who loves to wear womens boots barefooted. But I only like boots lined with that soft nylon tricot. My wife who supports my wearing boots also agrees that this lining feels so good on bare legs. Does any one else car about the lining or is it just my strange little thing? I asked the guys about it and no one really seemed to care, but it was in the middle of summer when I asked the question.

  3. I was wondering if the lining of your boots even matter to most? I personally love boots with the soft nylon tricot lining. All of the Nine West boots I have feel so good on bare footed. I've just never seen it discussed one way or another about the lining in boots. Surely I'm not the only one who loves the way the nylon tricot lining carresses your legs and feet sliding boots on and wearing them???

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