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Posts posted by Maryanne

  1. It's ironic to make this post here, almost 6 months to the day since I greeted you all, to say farewell.

    Recently I have felt that my contributions are not appreciated. Usually I don't post any information about myself on the internet, I made the exception here because I felt that I could express myself in an understanding environment. Unfortunately I find myself in the position where I feel that I am less and less a valued part of this group. Posting my thoughts and opinions in the forums I have been met with some less than favourable feedback. I see that it is my time to depart and with that I wish you all the best of luck.

    Anyone who wishes to keep in touch can mail me at maryannemaitland@hotmail.com

    I bid you all farewell and adieu


  2. I've always been aware of the ability of my stilettos to mark floors. More so now that I rather my heels have steel tips rather than the softer ones. I'm certainly careful not to do anything which is liable to leave marks on floors, and I certainly don't put smaller tips on my shoe heels to leave marks. I realise that leaving marks is a fetish for some, though it's certainly not something I take delight in. :smile:

  3. I imagine you guess right PJ. I guess most models of heels are like other clothing models, complete strangers who are being paid to wear whatever article their boss gives them. If they won't do it or don't try to look right, they don't get any more assignments. I guess most models of heels hate wearing them and aren't used to them. Most of my friends regard 10cm heels to be "breakneck" high. The only way some of them can model some shoes is probably to sit down, put the shoes on, have the pictures taken, then take the shoes back off before standing up. I'd love to have a job modelling heels, not sure if the Australian public wants to look at my thick legs though! :smile:

  4. I guess price is a point, after all, they are called "Payless" :smile: I've seen a couple of Payless stores around Melbourne, I'm not sure if they're affiliated, haven't looked into them further as nothing in the window has caught my eye. I would definately have to be real short on cash not to buy leather shoes, I've had a couple of imitation leather pairs in the past and found they weren't anywhere near as comfortable as leather. Anyhow leather is leather, it has a certain natural grain, a wonderful gentle fragrance, you can wear leather like there's no tomorrow and if you look after it there is nothing that a good clean and buff can't fix. Maryanne. :grin:

  5. Hey Renee! Just got back from a weekend away and I'm feelin' great! Capri, knickerbockers.... dear me, the word horrid seems to suit as well! Although to me the G word still represents the ultimate in nasty. At least now I know why those things have such short legs, I guess they were functional for some! I've been throwing up whether to post a picture on here or not, if I decide to then maybe I could find a pair of knickerbockers to wear for the picture :smile: I guess I won't be seeing you in a pair of them anytime soon! :rofl:

  6. Once again we see standards decline in favour of political correctness. Female funeral personnel here in Australia are kicking up a stink about wearing their uniforms. They state that wearing high heels is dangerous and have just pushed a case through the AWU to get their employer's policies banned. The next point on their agenda is to allow their female employees to wear pants instead of skirts. It seems that there is terrible pressure out there to androgenise what little femininity is left in the workplace. The article can be found here:


    Speaking for myself, at the funerals I have been to in the last few years, the female staff have always been very well presented with nicely tailored clothes and neat, conservative hair and make-up. To contrast this, the average male funeral person is usually wearing a very cheap and nasty polyester suit, average personal hygiene and frequently looks more like a crim than someone in a decent, productive, respectful job. I think that if the female working at this funeral home don't wish to maintain a nice standard of presentation, they should be looking for jobs elsewhere. I wish my place of employment would set and maintain certain standards of presentation, because at the moment it has none, which is made quite evident by what some of my colleagues drag themselves into work in.

    Maryanne. :smile:

  7. It seems to me that this thread has gone off track somewhat. I think it's time we all took a couple of deep breaths, relaxed and then reread the name of the thread. My 2c worth. I don't have a problem with men in high heels. I think it's great that anyone can express themselves through what they wear. Would I date a man who wore high heels? Probably not (hangs head in shame) Maybe I'm selfish and want all the heels for myself. I guess I'm just a little old fashioned. Maryanne :smile:

  8. Renee, Yes this is a rather unique word for me, it pretty much means completely hideous. To me something that is ghastly may be in "fashion" right now or something that once was in "fashion", when I use it I mean that it's something that I feel has always looked hideous. I think there's a lot more to whether a shoe is pretty or not than whether it has a heel or not. I've seen more than enough high heels which I think are ghastly (there's that word again!) due to them being so obscure and/or visually displeasing that to see them being tossed into a big incinerator would bring a sigh of relief. Pedal pushers? Oh heaven save me. Ghastly. When I was a girl back in the 80s knickerbockers were "fashion" at the time. I was the only one out of my friends who didn't want them. They looked hideous back then and I still think they look hideous. Who would I describe them? Definately ghastly. When I look at the word "ghastly" I think it's meaning is immistakable. It's a terrible sounding word, just right for what it's describing. Those Gina pumps you posted the link to are fairly cute, I wouldn't wear them though, I wouldn't use the "G" word to describe them either. Maryanne :smile:

  9. Anyone who thinks that doctors are a sensible, level-headed bunch should take a look at this. The amusing thing is that this comes from what is usually quite a stoic journal.

    The name of the article is "Can superstitious behaviour reduce work stress?" It's in this month's issue of BMJ.

    The website won't let me hotlink to the article, but try going to

    http://bmj.com/ and do a search for it, it makes for very amusing reading.

  10. Name: Maryanne Age: 27 Gender: Female Location: Melbourne Australia Occupation: Health Height: 178cm Weight: N.O.Y.B! Shoe size: Size 10B Australian What's your favourite heel style: Stiletto or block What's your favourite shoe style: Court shoes, knee high boots when it's cold Do you wear your heels outside: Of course! What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 7-10cm (:grin: Your highest heel height: about 12cm How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: Nearly every day (:grin: Your highest heel height: Special occassions Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Pantyhose with both shoes and boots Anything else you wish to add: I'm not quite sure why I stumbled on this site, browsing the net one night and came across it, it intrigued me. I take a lot of pride in my presentation, most of my friends wear flatties and pants for everyday wear and for the most part don't make much of an effort to look presentable. I'm also the only person I know who likes stilettos for everyday wear. I go through phases of likeing something, for example it's starting to warm up here in Australia. I was at a clearance sale a couple of weeks ago and came across these sculptured blade heel boots, I didn't like the look of them before, but tried them on on a whim and loved them on. Guess what I've worn nearly every day for the last 2 weeks? Am I eccentric? Yes, I guess I probably am! Overall I have a fairly hectic life, I provide personal and financial support to a couple of community organisations which help *deserving* people who need a hand. I wish to emphasise deserving as there are a lot of genuinely hard done by people out there, but unfortunately even more trash who expect society to hand them everything on a silver platter. Unfortunately this is getting more and more prevalent over here. When I'm not doing that I work full time with a bunch of great people, a lot of whom have become good friends. I enjoy keeping fit by cycling, walking and making all too infrequent trips to the gym. So there you have it, me in a nut-shell (or should that be case?) :smile:

  11. I am inclined to agree with Laurie, I use my first name as my handle, but there is no way I'll be giving out my surname or full address like that. As Stu said there needs to be more details posted about the actual competition (which I am certainly will happen in due course). However my safety on the Internet must be first priority. Maybe I could post a picture or two on here and see what sort of feedback I get. A trip to Holland would be nice though, I'm nearly due for a holiday. Maryanne :smile:

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