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Posts posted by Jonathan

  1. Sorry if I sound slightly stupid here but...could you elaborate? You 'identify' as femme?


    It's an identity from an alternate binary: butch/femme — which (partly) denotes gender expression independent of binary sex (male/female). Thus you get, for example, butch women (that is women with a masculine gender expression as women — the last part is crucial) and, as in my case, femme men. And all stations in between.

    There's a bit more to it (in particular, issues relating to sexuality), but that's the general idea.

    If you want more explanation, just ask. I'm very happy to talk about this. Indeed, I can be very boring about it. :unsure:

  2. My question is do you want to be just a MAN IN HEELS or Enjoy dressing more like a girl with all the fem? Skirts, hose etc.

    I used to do the girl thing and still wear the clothes, but nowadays always as a guy, more freestyle than feminine. It feels better, more authentic — and it's far less work :unsure:

  3. Who owns more women's shoes than shoes for men?

    What is your ratio of women's shoes to men's?

    Thanks for viewing.


    I have one pair of battered men's trainers which sit by the back door for when I have to empty the bin or something.

    Ratio women's to men's shoes 13:1

    Of which 7 are heels. I like heels.


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