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Posts posted by lightknight8

  1. I actually really like the graph! It shoes where my wife started and has moved towards over the last terror so. We were just recently married, so she was my fiancee during a lot of that time. In other news, I get to paint one of my big toe nails. I smashed it a few weeks ago and it looked like it was doing fine, but then I hit it against something and now its a very disgusting looking nail. She actually encouraged me to paint it until it falls off!

  2. I'll definitely take it slow. She loves it when I wear heels and get all dressed up to the nines. So its only a matter of time until she's comfortable with some color. I'm looking forward to that day. In the meantime, I'll be happy with what I can have because she's been even more supportive as of late with wearing heels.

  3. Well, I sat down and talked to her a little bit. She felt much better after we had a conversation about how I feel about it. We compromised and I can do my toes after she gets used to me having a clear finish. I also did her toes for her, and that made her feel extra special. It was definitely a great weekend!

  4. I'm finding it difficult to get my wife to let me wear polish on my toes when I wear open toed heels. She'll let me wear heels out all the time, and is even ok with a clear coat. But for some reason a little color and she says no. I love her dearly, and it changes nothing about that. I was just wondering if there was any advice you could give?

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