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Posts posted by alfheel

  1. Great quality for sure, I've tested their stuff many times, and I'll probably check their new collection for real in the next few days (or hours...) !!! Comfort ? Well... comfort is a rather subjective concept, if you can handle 14cm heels easily, that's right, the whole collection is really comfortable :smile: Price ? That's their weakest point, yes they are expensive, but what's the right price for high quality leather shoes ? Add to this that they are really nice and let you look and try whatever you want, and can give you great advice, and the price is not so high :-)

  2. I started looking around for heels pictures on the net in 1995. I have 5 or 6 CD's full of them, and something like 2.5 Gb waiting for being burnt from my HDD to CD's... With time going on i've become much more regarding on quality and image size, and the Usenet Forums have always been my best regular source. But some commercial sites also have really great picture collections with heels, mainly with nice ladies in them of course... (Playboy and Hustler sites are wonderful, but access to those sites without paying is forbidden and I don't wanna pay for that... :smile: )

  3. So sometimes it's not such an issue to tell it, and the consequenes are not so terrible... I'm happy for you guys ! But my wife just pretends she never heard my desire for wearing heels, although I've tried to tell her... Anyway your positive experiences encourage me into making her understand this part of me much better :smile:

  4. Vicki, Not only do I enjoy your heels very much, they nearly drive me crazy, and I love that !!! Does this mean I like them more than you do ? Well, the answer is obviously not so easy to give, since I'd need some more details about what feelings they inspire you to settle a proper judgement on that :smile: ) I hope it's really the case !!!

  5. I like that article... IMHO Japanese tend to be too much excessive, but there's always something to keep from any excess, so let's hope this time il will be miniskirts and high heels !

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