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Posts posted by seth_nj111

  1. Hi all, I have not posted in a while and have actually not been out much for a while. I got a good spook when I ran into a co-worker while I was in heels. She did notice and my S/O jumped in and told her it was a dare. She did not to my knowledge leak the 'dare' at work but has made private comments to me like 'doesn't it suck to loose a bet' etc. Anyway, worked up the courage again to go out again on a trip away from my home area. We decided to spend the weekend in Baltimore inner harbor area and my S/O egged me on to go in heels. I couldn't refuse of course. I did wear long pants that covered the heel of my pumps with 4" for the trip down. Once there, I switched to sandles to try and keep cool but of course this was a lot more noticable sporting red nails. My S/O kept up the support and after a few hours I was pretty comfortable. I spent the rest of the weekend without any issues sporting sandles. I did get some double takes and a few stares here and there but that was about it. When I was side by side with my S/O I was very comforatable, but if she and I were seperated for a bit, for example, a trip to the restroom, I did get very nervous and anxious. Hopefully I will rebuild my confidence to continue public outings closer to home. Seth

  2. I just started painting my toes, well my wife has been painting them for me. I love it, so does she, and I show them off while in sandals. I am just getting used to wearing it on my toes and am considering my fingers. (The wife is pushing for it). I don't show them off to folks that may oppose or would be offended. However if it becomes more a norm, which I hope it does, than I will absoulty show them off to everyone. It's a fine line of when to and when not to show them off. What I really am hoping for is a time when people notice and just shrug it off as they would if a women was wearing the same color on her toes.

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  3. hi all - just wanted to post and update... So the weather has been getting nicer, so out come the sandels and away go the boots. I've been trying to get out once or twice a week in heels but this past weekend was really good. I got very brave and let my wife paint my toes with red polish. Once dry, she strapped me into a pair of sandels with a 3 1/2 inch heel. My heel and toes just peaked out of my pants enough for anyone who's looking to notice. I spent all weekend like this and we spent Saturday night at a friends place (they already knew of my heel wearing). We didn't know that two other couples were coming over also and my friend offered me up a pair of socks if I wanted. My friends wife looked at him and said 'who cares if his toes are red and he's in heels. Why should he hide what he likes to wear.' So my friend tossed the socks back and that was that. A little while later the other two couples showed up, there was a few questions about my shoes/toes and that was the end of it. All in all, either they were very accepting, or just didn't want to make a scene. Was a great weekend.

  4. Hi all, I did it.. Here's how it went: Before opting for strappy heels and painted toes, we gave just painted toes a shot with a pair of sandles - just trex type that i'd wear around in the summer. Instead or going for RED, my wife figured she's ease me into it and she put a silver polish on me instead. Spent most of the day out and about on Friday and Saturday running errands and such. Saturday day, on went the stappy sandles with about a 3 1/2 inch heel and off we went to dinner. We noticed a few people look, some double takes etc. Wasn't expecting any comments but would have enjoyed one if they were nice. After going for a few days with painted toes, it's not as scary as I thought it would have been. Guess I will keep wearing it, esp when wearing open toed shoes. And I really like the look while in strappy heels. Seth

  5. Hi all, My wife thought I should try a pair of strappy heels or something open since summer is approaching. She also thinks it's a great way to show off the pedicure she wants to give me. I am kinda thinking i'd shy away from the look, but maybe give a try. My reason is, it's one thing to have heels on, but to start showing off my feet, which will get more attention with the shade of Red nail polish my wife picked out. Anyway - what's your thoughts? Seth

  6. Hi all, Sorry I havn't posted for a while - it's been busy and havn't had a chance to do much heeling with some family visiting. Now that things are back to normal, I got a chance to go out the other day and test out my courage. My wife came up with a neat game to help me along for the day. We played video game and if I won, I choice my outfit, if I loose, she gets to pick. Sounded like a fun idea so off we went. Next thing I new I was getting my butt kicked in the game. Right after I lost, she took me upstairs and handed me a box. To my suprise, she bought me a pair of pumps with a 4 1/2 inch stiletto heel. I almost jumped out of my skin - till she handed me a pair of capri pants to shoe off my new shoes. I sucked up my fear and we went out to a few stores and lunch. I got a few odd looks but nobody made any comments. Hopefully this weekend will be a repeat!!! Seth

  7. Hi all, So we decided to go away for the weekend and I prompted my S/O that I only pack heels. She's a bit unsure of it that I will have no choice but to wear heels the entire weekend. Any thoughts or ideas on how I might convince her? Keep in mind she is not ruling out that I wear heels, just that she is suggesting bringing mens shoes as well. Thanks Seth

  8. Hi all, Last night we went to the movies and my wife suggested I wear the new boots I bought the other night. I jumped at the chance. I changed my pants to a longer pair that sat nice around the boots and off we went. Once at the theater everything was fine and going well until my wife noticed a friend with her husband. I saw her friend coming towards us so I was about to make a dash for the concession stand when my wife just took my hand and said 'just relax'. She and her friend made small talk and then her friends husband came up with popcorn and such... And then he made a comment 'when did you get so tall', which of course my wifes friend repeats the question. So I just said 'it must be my shoes or something' They both look down and I get a smile from her and a very odd look from her husband. Then she asks me why I am wearing heels. My wife responds for me that we get a rush out of doing some out of the norm things. So then her friend looks at her husband and says 'ya that is fun, like the time we were in vegas and I dared you to wear a skirt all day' So needless to say, what I thought was going to be a really bad encounter turned out to be ok. We ended up going out with them after the movie for a snack. Nothing exciting happened at the resturant and I didn't notice if anyone saw what was on my feet. Seth

  9. Hi all, I got very very brave today. Oh the way home for work I needed to stopped off at a grocery store to pick up a few items. There happened to be a payless shoes in the same mall so I had to go in. There were some boots on sale for end of season so I picked up a pair in my size and was about to purchase and leave without trying on. They are ankle boots with about a 4 inch heel (standard heel style) and a kinda squared off toe. I looked around and noticed one other customer paying for a purchase and 2 salesgirls. I braved it and tried them on and walked a bit. I then put them back in the box and bought them. When the salesgirl was ringing them up she just gave me a smirk as I am sure she noticed that I tried them on. I went to drop them in the car prior to going to the grocery store. I decided to brave it and put them on. I only needed a few things and was out of the store in 10 minutes. I had no comments but did catch 3 people that noticed. One older women just gave me an odd stare, a younger women, maybe early 20's who just gave a double take, and a middle aged man who just stared and stared while I was in line. It didn't bother me and I just paid for my items and clicked my way out of the store :o;)

  10. I wonder who it was, maybe someone from here. This happened this past weekend, at rain forest cafe in Menlo Park Mall (edison, NJ) , anyone out there meet me? Going to try and get out heeling again soon... i'll post my experience..

  11. Hi all, So this is my first post here - i've been lurking a while. Anyway, I finally built up the confidence to go heeling in public. I put on a pair of ankle boots with a stacked heel. I worse these because I can walk in them very well and wanted to try and go un-noticed. First place I went was a convience store to get a cup of coffee. My pants just about covered the heels so it wasn't very noticable. Second stop was a hardware store to pick up a gallon of paint - again - nobody really noticed, or I didn't notice anyone looking. Third stop - Lunch - was in a booth so my shoes were not so noticable. My s/o was actually looking to see what kind of reactions we would get and she wants to do it slow so going out with my knee hight boots over my jeans isn't going to happen so fast, but at least she has a comfort level to at least try it now. So that night we decided to go out for dinner and I put on mens shoes and she asked 'no boots tonight?' I took that as a 'time for more heeling' and put the same boots on, however this time I was not in my long jeans and the boots where more noticable. While waiting in line at the resturant I did notice a few people see my boots, and nobody commented or even thought much of it. So after being seated at a table, my boots were very noticable and had no place to 'hide' my feet. I started to get really nervous but then as time went on, I started to relax a bit. Then out of nowhere a couple we don't know walks up to us. The women looks at me and says 'I couldn't help but notice your heels and asked why I was wearing them' My s/o jumped in to save me and said 'he lost a bet'. She replied 'oh, that is really funny, my husband lost a bet also, she reached down, pulled up his pants a bit to show off his 4 inch stiletto boots. We chatted a while and that was that. Major confidence boost. Little did that women know, I will be out in heels again, and I bet her husband looses another bet on purpose just to go heeling. seth

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