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Posts posted by Jue

  1. I agree with what has been said. Tan hose rather than fishnets. 'Eww' you say? Well, it's not like your hair _doesn't_ show through fishnets. It's just equally 'Eww', if not more even, because your hairs will pop out through the holes. Re: jeans. Them too. They are too tight. Super tight jeans only look good on skinny people. I'm not saying that because you're a man, I find that it's true even on females. They look like they're about to pop o_o;;; Remember, the idea is to skim the body, not squeeze it. Skim flatters, squeeze makes you fatter (unless again you're super skinny) ;); Again, just an opinion in the sea of thousands. :o

  2. Hmm I don't think you have any basis or foundation for saying those things, I mean, you're assuming the preferences of Fairy Tale characters o.o This thread has reached 4 pages already, I don't think there's nothing more to it really, it all boils down to personal preference. Some like no toe cleavage (which is fine by me too), some like a little toe cleavage (I do), and most don't like extreme toe cleavage. And that's it. SO THERE! ;) And I believe the SO THERE here is really apt :o

  3. Me too. I never go bare-legged. It just feels nicer to wear pumps with hosiery. ;) I might go find some opaque ones though, they have a much more muted and discreet appearance than sheer stockings. Although I really love the sheer ones. Just might go for opaque ones for a discreet look when out.

  4. Damn, I want those pumps! Could you buy a pair for me if I send you some cash? ;)

    I'm not sure if they still have in the shops. :o And I'm not so sure how to handle those, shipping and all.

    What's your shoe size?

    I think sizes stop at 41. Or 40, I'm not so sure.

    Your pics are good, showing you off well. Taking pics in mirrors does not often work out too well as the light does not get where you want it. At least you have given us something to admire.

    Re: mirrors. I know! But for the full outfits, I've no choice on shooting them aside from the mirror option.

  5. I have a few other pairs, but these ones are my favorite. I might go post some pics of my previous fave, a pair I got years years years ago. She doesn't mind that I wear them out with her. But she tells me that she feels a bit "nervous", or that she feels like everyone knows and notices.

  6. It went very well! I was a bit nervous at first though. At a few times during the whole thing too. But then it wasn't really a big deal. I didn't really notice anyone noticing. I noticed only one or two girls only I think. All in all a great outing, I'll do it again sometime! Only thing was, my legs kinda got tired even if it was just a short while. Maybe it's the way I walked, I'm not really used to walking in them anymore and I haven't gone out in like years. I got my girlfriend to wear heels too. Hehe. I'll definitely keep doing it. ;)

  7. Also, more often than not, men's socks in pumps won't fit right. Pumps fit snugly, and sometimes even men's thin dress socks are too thick for them. I wear thigh highs with my pumps.

  8. Thanks. ;) They're from a shop here called Tyler. The shop's local, but the shoes are made in Spain, so they say. :o I just came home, went out to see 300 with my SO. I wore the pumps along with the outfit I last posted in the Freestyle section. :smile: It wasn't so bad. I was a bit nervous, but nobody seemed to notice the heels. Maybe just a few looks, and that's it. It's like it's no big deal.

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