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Posts posted by Nielle

  1. I'm also a little iffy about using the word "cheating" when talking about any type of shoe. The point of wearing heels is to feel sexy for YOU right? So as long as you feel good, think that you look good, etc. then there shouldn't be an issue! I think putting pressure on yourself to adhere to a certain heel standard kind of undermines the whole liberating feeling of just wearing what you want and being confident in that look.

  2. That's pretty much how I was feeling too! But I think I'm realizing that I THINK I walk a lot slower than I am. My New Year's Resolution is to suck it up and forget what other people think. If granny can walk slow, I can walk slow too! haha

  3. Thanks everyone! Yes, I will continue to practice. Actually, I did a bit of an ambitious test run the other day and browsed Macys (at Herald Sq) in them after work. I walk surprisingly well, so it's just a matter of working the soreness from the legs. It was extremely fun admiring myself in the mirrors. hahahaha Will keep everyone posted on progress :smile:

  4. Thanks for the responses. I think maybe I just have tight tendons/muscles? I feel the stretch just when standing in them, it's as if my foot just doesn't want to bend to that degree. I suppose this will take some stretching and practice. I walk pretty decently in them actually, it's just the nagging kind of pain in the back of the foot. I studied the shoe a little more and it has a bump in the insole. so rather than a steep incline it's a softened slope. I assume this is to decrease the angle for comfort, but maybe that's what's contributing to the strain on the back of my leg rather than the front.

  5. Just posing this question to the more experienced heel wearers! I've only seriously started wearing heels these past 3 months, I have pairs ranging from 2.5-4 inches. Here's the deal. I just bought a pair of shoes, Linzy by Kelsi Dagger. They are purportedly a 5 inch heel with 1 inch platform, so technically 4 inches. But they FEEL much higher to me. So much so that when I walk I can feel a strain in my achilles tendon. 1. Since I am a size 7.5, is it true that the angle might actually be more than 4 inches? It honestly feels so much higher. 2. Is that straining feeling in my tendon a normal part of growing accustomed to heels? Or am I not meant to wear anything of this particular height? 3. Can stretching reduce the strain? Thanks everyone!

  6. Name: Danielle Age: 22 Gender: Female Location: NYC Occupation: Financial Analyst Height: 5'1 Weight: 150 Shoe size: 6.5-7.5 What's your favourite heel style: Thin to stiletto heel What's your favourite shoe style: Closed toe, round/almond toe pumps Do you wear your heels outside: Mostly What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 3-4 inches (:smile: Your highest heel height: 5 inches How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: Daily (:wave: Your highest heel height: Rarely, special occasions Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Barefeet, I detest stockings Anything else you wish to add: I love patent leather, so shiny!

  7. Thank you for all the input, it made me feel much better. I think It's because I work in NYC, everyone seems to be in a hurry. I feel like I'm clogging up the sidewalk sometimes. But then again, I guess going slower gives people more time to admire me as I glide past :smile: hehehe

  8. Note: Zappos has amazing customer service, and sometimes they even upgrade you to overnight shipping for no reason, which is wonderful. I have pretty "difficult" feet in that they are smallish...but wide. I wear shoes ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. I actually rarely buy a shoe online unless I've already tried it on in store. What I end up doing is trying on certain shoes in person, and then looking for sales online (this works especially well for DSW when you wait for the clearance prices). As easy as it is to make returns, sometimes it's just a real hassle. :smile:

  9. I thought I'd just pose this question to give me some peace of mind. When I wear heels I know that my natural stride is shortened considerably, and to me, I feel that I am walking absurdly slow. When you see a woman passing you on the street, do you notice if her heels are slowing her down? It is even possible to walk at a really brisk pace in 4+ inch heels? I'm also pretty petite and have short legs, so maybe this is a contributing factor. Anyway, please comment, am I being paranoid? Or do I need to practice walking some more? :smile:

  10. Hey all. I'm brand new here, so I'm just dropping in this Christmas morning to say hi! I recently graduated from college, and I'm working in Manhattan. Having a steady paycheck has really contributed to the growth of my high heeled shoe obsession, and my need for a walk in closet, haha. I'm so glad I've found this forum! This is a quick question I'll throw in for convenience sake. Is it normal that when I view threads it lists posts from most recent to earliest? Is there a way I can change the setting so I can see post number one first? It makes it hard to follow the flow of the conversation. Thanks everyone!

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