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Posts posted by slav2fashion

  1. On 11/23/2017 at 2:55 AM, Tacchi Alti said:

    As I said, they are a bit of a snug fit, so probably slightly small. However, they've stretched a bit with wear and are fine on my size 8 feet. I've walked many miles in them and they are very comfortable.

    Ah, OK. Thanks. I wasn't sure if you meant the size 8s were a bit snug because you normally wear a 8.5.

  2. On 11/2/2017 at 2:35 AM, Tacchi Alti said:

    I didn't make them. Bought them off Ebay. They're still available but they go up to size 8 and that's snug. £9.99 plus p&p - I paid nearly £30 for the first pair but they're still going strong. Brand is Spot On, which do several styles with more 'masculine' looks: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SALE-LADIES-SPOT-ON-BROWN-BLACK-HIDDEN-WEDGE-BOOTS-WITH-BUCKLE-DETAIL-F50333/281462542509?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=581195277320&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

    Yes, I wish he had commented, really. It seems 'coming out' is a difficult thing...

    How is the sizing on these? Are they true to size?

  3. If anyone knows of a custom manufacturer which could reproduce the plastic covered metal shoes in the flicker links, I would be interested in buying several pairs.

    Or possibly splitting the costs of having some lasts made to make these shoes?

    If anyone is handy at creating 3D models of shoes (those pink ones would be nice), I wonder if it would be possible to send it to Shapeways, and have them print it for you:


    They do support a variety of materials, including stainless steel:


    Though I'm not sure how hard it would be to make them strong enough to wear.

  4. I agree! I've been in crowded malls----BEFORE CHRISTMAS----in heels and practically no one cared. Go where you want, slav2fashion. Nobody's going to notice.

    I know what you mean, and I'd rather be at a crowded mall than an empty one. I feel you'll more likely to go unnoticed that way.

    I know some of you may disagree, but I'd prefer to go unnoticed though, at least for now. Or perhaps it's OK to be noticed, as long as no one says anything, as tallguyinheels put it.

    Thanks for the ideas.

  5. All I can say is: "Polish on, polish off!"

    What I do is get a tin of Kiwi Parade Gloss (from any good shoe repairer) and a clean lint-free cloth. A yellow duster is traditionally used.

    Wipe the boots clean with a damp cloth, using a brush to remove any stubborn dirt.

    Next you open the tin and rub the duster in the polish so that you pick some up on the cloth. Next you go across to the boots and then rub the polish laden cloth on the part of the boot that you want to polish. It's best to do it in small circles. Keep going until all the polish has been transferred to the boot.

    Repeat the process several times until the boots are polished.

    I hope this helps!

    I do this too, but I like to do the last step(s) with a slightly wet (but not soaking) cloth.
  6. Hi all, I'm new here, so sorry if this has been discussed. I did a quick search and couldn't find anything. I've been wearing high heeled boots in public for a couple of years now (not all the time, mostly on weekends, in the winter months), though I prefer not to attract attention. I just love the way the four inch heels feel on my feet, and how they affect my posture. I also love the feeling of leather hugging my calves. Here are some of the places I feel comfortable to be in in heels: * Borders (because of the carpeted floors) * Movie theaters (if the floors are carpeted) * Busy restaurants, like diners, some chain restaurants (I love these place because it's usually noisy enough that people don't notice the clicking of my heels, but I can still hear it myself if I pay attention) I'd like to be able to wear boots in more places though, and would really appreciate any ideas you may have. Thanks!

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