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Posts posted by bilomi

  1. To everyone: Isn't that funny how this topic took over the purpose why we are here in the first place: high heels! It appears nobody will change his/her mind based on what is said here. No one hold the truth. The only fact is, we are in a finite world with a finite amount of ressource. We are using non-renewable ressource at a rate never seen before. Who will have to pay for this? What legacy do we want to leave as a civilisation? So there are no options but to go back to regular sexy topics.

  2. So this a lie?

    Wow... Why do people always add everything to "oh they want to find a way to tax us more" ? Is it too much for to ask to sacrifice a part of your lifestyle so that the children of your children's live in an sustainable environment ? Don't you think all the people who come with contradictory stories about global warming are supporting by companies that have lot to lose by any restrictions on carbon emissions (i.e. oil industry).

    2300 scientifics (the GEIC) met a few year ago in Europe, not to dispute the yeah or nay about global warming, to evaluate the how small to how large will be the changes. And you are telling me 10 or 15 studies going in the opposite directions have any values???

    Aint more blind that someone who does not want to see...

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