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Posts posted by luvsboots

  1. Hi everyone, I am new here and very happy to find a forum with people who enjoy the same passion as I do. For as long as I can remember and from an early age I have loved the look of women in very high heels and especially boots, the higher the better! I can't walk past a shoe store at the mall without feeling anxious excitement about seeing some sexy shoes or boots. My wife understands my fetish and she does have a number of pairs of shoes and boots that I have bought for her, that she wears for me in the bedroom, but none of them get worn in public. I live in Canada so I always love when fall and winter come around and it is boot season once again! I have really really really enjoyed that over the knee boots became in fashion to wear over the past couple of years and so many women are wearing them. Well that is a little bit about me. Glad to be here!

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