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Posts posted by pabbott03301

  1. I don't wish to belabor this, but despite being a non-smoker all my life I was diagnosed with tongue cancer in November. I'm doing fine, so don't anybody worry, but I can't help but wonder if second hand smoke might have had something to do with it. I realize that there are all sorts of potential cancer causing substances out there, including the diet soft drinks I used to swill on a daily basis. So I'm not going to necessarily blame the smokers. Nevertheless, it's food for thought. Anyway, smoking is pretty much forbidden in any public, indoor place where I live (Maine) and I have to admit that I rather like it that way. Admittedly the smokers have a bear by the tail in that it is a very hard addication to beat, or so I've been told.

  2. Well Dawn, there is not a lot to say. By profession I am a librarian. Presently I'm not working, living off my investments. I am 48 and dealing with tongue cancer at this time. And no, I was never a tobacco user or heavy drinker. I'm one of the 15 percent of people with a mouth cancer who don't fit the usual profile. I was operated on down in New York at Memorial Sloan Kettering on 4 Dec. and am feeling pretty good at this point. So who knows. I like women in heels, but have no interest in wearing them myself. This forum is a lot of fun, but I have other interests as well. Wish everybody the best and so on.

  3. I wrote a few stories about three or four years ago that included permanent high heels (not voluntary) and posted them on a story website. They were sort of nasty though and I no longer wish to be associated with them. I keep wondering if someone else will post them somewhere under their own name, but I haven't seen them yet. It helped to work some bad thoughts out of my system, I guess. I won't re-post them or provide a URL, the board admistrators might not approve, and I could not blame them.

  4. I imagine that Alaska is somewhat like Maine in that high heels are not as popular as they are in more urban parts of the country. Not the sort of thing you'd want to wear on a country road during mud season. Ayuh!!! (Actually, people from Maine seldom say Ayuh, but everybody thinks we do; so I sometimes play up to peoples' misconceptions.)

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