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Posts posted by MrFoot123

  1. Name: MrFoot123 Age: Rather not say. Gender: Male Location: UK Occupation: Market Trader Height: 5/10 Weight: 85 kilos Shoe size: Not relevant. What's your favourite heel style: On women, stiletto. What's your favourite shoe style: On women, fully open toe high heels, strappy or otherwise. Do you wear your heels outside: I don't wear any shoes made for women. I love seeing women in them. What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: On women, 3-4 inch. (:o Your highest heel height: On women, 4 inch. How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: I don't wear any shoes made for women. (:-? Your highest heel height: I don't wear any shoes made for women. Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Not Applicable. Anything else you wish to add: I have no interest in wearing women's shoes at all, but I could look at women wearing them all day. Perhaps I don't fit very well in this forum, but it's about high heels, so I will stay, if that's ok.

  2. I think they all look lovely, but then I banged my head hard this morning. Ok, recovered now. In all honesty, I think they look dreadful. Sorry, but I am more traditional in outlook. Non-platform open toe high heels on a lady do it for me every time. Some of these shoes appear to be 'test pieces' by designers who are trying to show originality, perhaps to be noted by top end shoe companies, which is fair enough I guess. I pity the poor model that has to parade up and down in them though.

  3. Well at the risk of being scorned, I used to call them 'Big toe only' shoes, because we had a teacher that used to wear them and all you could see were her big toes. I would hazard a guess that she was about 40/45 years old. The thing is I was about 15 at the time and, whenever I was in her class, I couldn't take my eyes off of them. The shoes were black non-shiny leather with (I think) a two-inch chunky heel. She never wore nail-polish and her toenails were cut short. It was the tantalising glimpse of her big toes, with the promise of more hidden delights that set my, then teenage, hormones raging. Those shoes, coupled with her authoritarian air, supplied me with many fantasies over the years. This clearly awoke my love of the female foot in open toe shoes. Imagine then, my absolute wonder, on seeing fully open toed high heels for the first time. Until this point, I had never consciously noticed womens shoewear at all. So to me, peep-toe shoes, on women, are tantalising, provocative and somewhat seductive, but fully open toe heels say, 'Look at me. I am stunning and need to be adored.' Well that's my view anyway.

  4. Roz, Many thanks for these! I am fan of women in open toe high heels as, obviously, I adore seeing their toes. Although sexy and stunning, you can see the problems H/H's can cause. Just look at Ms Beckhams' toes in one particular shot you posted. Her toes are all over the place and I think she also has a bunion. On the other hand, (or foot) Eva Longorias' toes are stunning. A real beauty from head to toe I think. As for your toes, well they are pretty close to perfect, from what I saw. If you have other pics of your toes in high heels, there would be many other members happy to view them, apart from me! Thanks again! MF

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