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Posts posted by CraigR

  1. We've been through this; it's not stealing if the original item is still there. Call it for what it is; copyright infringement.

    Trolldeg, your statement on stealing can be considered accurate, but not in what you are applying it to. If someone were to come in to my house, take my television, and leave with it, your statement fits, the original item is gone. However, the legal definition of Theft/Fraud, at least here in the States, goes far beyond that. The basic principle of Theft/Fraud is that a party (person, company, etc.) has been deprived of what is legally and rightfully theirs. That leaves a lot of room beyond the original item actually being taken, and it would definitely apply to this age of the Internet and downloading music, videos, or software. If a party applies a Copyright to their material, which they also have the right not to do, they control access to that property and are entitled to compensation for someone's use of that property. If someone downloads the party's music, videos, photos, or software, and does not compensate the party concerned, the party is deprived of what is legally and rightfully theirs and a Theft/Fraud has occurred and a crime has been committed even if the "original" is still there.

    I'm fine with calling it Copyright Infringement...it describes what kind of Theft/Fraud occurred. If someone thinks Copyright Infringement is not as serious as Theft/Fraud, or Stealing as you put it, that is their opinion, but it still is Theft/Fraud. That would be like saying that Date/Acquaintance Rape is less serious that Stranger Rape. There is no difference in the penalties, they are both Rape, they only describe the circunstances under which a Rape occurred.

    Just the Law's, and my, two cents worth...and certainly not meant to be condescending to anyone.

  2. I spent a weekend wearing heels, around the house and also out for walks around the neighborhood. On Saturday, I wore them all day, about 18 hours.

    On Sunday, from noon until about 10. They were 3 inch heel classic pumps, in leather. I like to put them on each day, after work, to help relax.


    Just curious, when you say "classic pumps" are you talking about the style, or the actual brand (www.classicpumps.com)?


  3. As a cancer survivor myself, I appreciate no smoking laws. I have never smoked myself, but my dad, mom, and sister did so I did get second hand smoke. I was diagnosed with Kidney cancer in 2002 and one of the first questions they asked me was, "Do you smoke? If so quit....now!" It is too late now to worry about whether second hand smoke had something to do with my cancer, I've got more important things to focus on now. But, it is nice to know that someone else may be spared this disease because they didn't have to deal with second hand smoke. There is the personal choice side of things, but there also is the cost to the public. Whether you are in the US style system, or the European/Canada style system (and I'm not debating the benefits of either system), a lot of our tax dollars go towards taking care of people who made a personal choice to do something that has been proven to be harmful. I personally would like to see that money go towards finding cures for cancer and other diseases. Just my 2 cents worth. These opinions are the opinions of CraigR and do not necessarily represent the opinions of High Heel Place, or it's owners.

  4. Name: CriagR Age: 52 Gender: Male Location: Arkansas Occupation: Computer Tech Height: 5'11 Weight: 260 lbs Shoe size: 12-13 (depending on style and shop!) What's your favourite heel style: Slim and sexy but not necessarily Stilleto What's your favourite shoe style: Pumps Do you wear your heels outside: Rarely What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 4 Inch (;) Your highest heel height: 4 Inch How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: Once or twice a month (:o Your highest heel height: Once a month ish Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Usually hose or stockings, bare feet on occasion Anything else you wish to add: Boots are probably my second favorite style and then Sandals. Don't personally like flats, flip flops, or platforms.

  5. Hi. I'm CraigR. I've been reading for a while and decided it was time to introduce myself. I have been an admirer of women wearing pumps and pantyhose/stockings since I can remember. I am also an occasional wearer. Don't have much opportunity to do so though. I currently have one pair: Classic Pumps Rossi, size 13C, in Black Kidskin. I also occasionally cross dress.

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