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Posts posted by drumitt

  1. Ages since I been here y'all. Two surgeries and now I'm close to being fit again. Been using 2" wide sticky tape yo get me used to the ankle flex I need for my 7 1/2" pumps. I force my feet into the hardest sretch imaginable then tape, tape, tape, REAL tight. Leave it on for as long as you can bear. Walk in 6" all day doing this regularly. I can still do my 7 1/2" without the tape and fairly straight knees. Try it. It's agony..... but if you can sleep a night with this, next day in 6 ers is a pushover!...lol


  2. I was only open with my wife after I had kept it a secret for 18 years. Oops!, once she knew, that was it. We are now seperated with no chance of reconcilliation. Just be careful guys! If you've managed to live two seperate lives, enjoying both your companionship and your heeling, my advice is to keep it that way. Don't try to mix the two.

  3. How many times are you going to advertise your other posting hun ? LOL !

    40? LOL ;)

    Sorry, if it's the wrong thing to do, I'll stop. I just didn't know how many "fetish" members might miss this "ultra heel" post if they didn't ever look in the other category.

  4. Yeah, knowing what I do now, I'd probably stay clear of that brand in the future too. However, no shoe will ever beat me and I will walk in those things, even if it is crippling! Shoes this high are just a bit of fun, but keeping on practicing in 7" or 7.5" heels really makes anything in the 5.5" range easy. Wearing a size 12 womens US, a 5.5" heel looks really great with the proportions of the length of my foot. Even a 4.5" can look a bit "flattish" or "stretched out" if you know what I mean? Having said all that, I still really like my 3" cowboy/girl? boots for great looks and comfort too. I'll have to take a couple of pics and post.

  5. If your season is underway, then mine is only about two hours behind you! I live near Tillsonburg (if you know that at all), a couple of hours up highway 3 from you. I must admit, I'm still very shy street heeling. I have done it on a few occasions, but I still try to pick quiet places, and get very nervous if anyone comes into view that I think might notice. The most terrifying thing I had happen was I got out of my car in a very quiet neighbourhood in 4.5" stiletto ankle boots and walked up a quiet path beside a lake. I sat on a park bench for a while before walking back to my car. As I got down the hill there was a cop car there at the bottom of the path and I could see that the cop had spotted me. Knowing it would look far too suspicious to turn around, I had to brave it. As I got to the cop car he had his window down looking in amazement at me. He had obviously noticed. I just said "good morning", to which he just nodded, and I continued to walk by to my car. I got in and drove off just imagining what he was telling all his buddies on his radio! That kinda traumatized me! I've struggled with confidence ever since! Edit: Oh sorry, I'm just two hours away from Canadian Beaver. I don't actually know where w6ish lives (the originator of the thread).

  6. Hi guys. My latest purchase is by far the most difficult footwear I've ever tried to walk in.

    I wanted to get a D'Orsay style shoe so the true extent of the severe arch could be seen whilst wearing them. They look great on, but unfortunately are absolutely crippling! Not just the extreme heel height, but the toe box is very narrow; too narrow for me really. I bought these from a USA supplier and the make on the box is "The Highest Heel". The model name is "Worship". They are a size 12M US. Quality is OK with sturdy enough heel but just beware, they are are VERY narrow!

    However, I'll grin and bear it and I always say, "no shoe will ever beat me!"

    You may have recently seen me walking fairly succesfully in my 7" ankle boots in the "7" ankle boot" thread, but these D'Orsay things are so much harder. The extra 1/2" puts my ankles and arches just beyond what they can realistically cope with (at the moment), and the lack of ankle support or general security makes them real tough!

    Here's a few links to some pictures of them, and yes, you'll just have to take my word for it that it is me that's wearing them.

    The heel height if measured vertically from the ground on this size 12 is just a shade under 7 1/2" with no platform!!!!!!!

    I'll do another couple of video clips in this thread once I can stumble along in them!




    Get up there guys and have some fun!!

  7. You start with the highest heels you can manage and wear them until you get used to them and then go up to the next height. It took me 5 years to get to 6" and now I can "almost" manage 7s...

    That's just about where I am. Check out my 7" ankle boots thread in "for the guys" to see a couple of video clips of me walking (sort of) in a full 7" heel.
  8. I just want to bring to your attention my "7 ankle boot" post I've recently placed in "For the Guys". Thought some of you Fetish lovers might want ot see some pictures of my 7" heels, and a couple of video clips of me walking in them further down the thread.

  9. Most of you have read that my wife and I are now seperated, mostly due to my "heeling", see my old "Mellow with age?" thread. We obviously discussed it deeply during the two years we were fighting to cling on to our marriage, but her reason for not being able to cope was she thought I was "not the man she thought I was". I guess keeping it a secret successfully for fifteen years or more was the real trouble. Had I come clean up front, then we probably wouldn't have gotten together in the first place. To get back on topic, I think the underlying problem is a lot of Women want a very "Masculine" man. I'm straight and don't crossdress any more than footwear. But even that is not an acceptable version of "Masculine Man". I'm willing to bet if the male population were all as brave as us on this forum to admit some kind of "feminine" side, it would probably amount to, at the very least, half of them. Then, would we be a minority? For the most part, Women don't understand Men, and Men don't understand Women. I truly think we are all have our "alter ego's", it's just that such a very few of us admit it.

  10. Private sale?? What's a private sale?? Since they're private, I presume that you can't easily find them??

    I mean they weren't in an "e-bay store" but offered by a seller with seemigly just a few items for sale.
  11. DANGGGGG! You go boy!lol How about a quick flick on walking in those puppies? They are cool. Where did you get them?

    Well, in response to your request, I made a couple of video clips of me walking in my 7" boots. Unfortunately, the room where my webcam is, is too small to see all of me, but I do crouch down in each clip so you can see it's me.

    In the first I've rolled my pants up so you can see just about the full boot, but they look so cool with my nicest jeans that I did the second clip to make a "fashion statement" LOL!

    These heels are VERY difficult to walk in and as you can see my knees are not completely straight. Almost but not quite. With my knees forced straight, the front of my foot is actually going back in on itself with respect to my shin.

    I'm working on it, but after only a few minutes walking in these I'm exhausted and I can't keep my ankles from buckling over sideways. A minute or so is all I get without a rest, but one day I will be able to walk in these pretty well.

    Enjoy, but don't laugh!!!!! LOL:)

    http://www.sliderphil.netfirms.com/schupics/7 Inch Walk.wmv

    http://www.sliderphil.netfirms.com/schupics/7 Inch Walk 3.wmv

  12. DANGGGGG! You go boy!lol How about a quick flick on walking in those puppies? They are cool. Where did you get them?

    Private sale on e-bay, They're not the greatest of quality and only psuedo leather, but who cares? It's a full 7" heel that can support my 190 lbs! The only tag is inside the boot and it says "pandora".
  13. As I've explained in the "fetish accusations" thread, I find I'm addicted to conquering ever higher heels. Not "fetish" but certianly addiction.

    Here's a few pics of me coping (reasonably well) with a full 7" heel ankle boot. I'm size 12 US to give you some idea of the steepness.




  14. I'm kind of stuck in the middle here. There's sometimes I'm happy wearing a pair of 3" heel cowgirl boots out. Easy to walk in and look great too. I still get nervous about peoples reactions as they certainly do notice even something this tame on a straight guy, but I think they look stylish and good on me. No "fetish" thing at all. Just me being me. But also, I have always had this neverending quest to conquer walking in extreme heels. This is always done behind closed doors. I have mastered 5 1/2" heels, can go reasonably well in a pair of 6 1/4" pumps (but not for long) and I am currently trying to cope with a new pair of 7" ankle boots; all with no platform by the way. I don't get sexual pleasure out of this so I don't think it can be classed as a "fetish", but I am severely addicted to this, always have been. Every opportunity I get to practice walking in ever higher heels I take; and have done for the last thirty odd years! It's cost me my marriage, and I'm still "addicted". I think I've maxed out at the 7" heels, and I certainly can't walk with dead straight knees in them, but I can walk! See my new thread "7 inch ankle boots" for a couple of pictures.

  15. My avatar boots have heels a gnat's under 4.5", and I couple of times when I've been out in them it's ended up being about eight hours. My feet were killing me when I got home.

    I know you said 5"+, but my feet are 2.5 sizes smaller than yours! ;)



    Shoe size does make such a difference. It's a shame we can't talk in "angle" or "steepness". That would be comparing apples to apples even if sizes were different.

    With 6" heels and no platform that's about my limit to walk with straight(ish)knees. I know if I had smaller feet I'd be lucky if I made 5".

  16. I think my longest sessions wearing thigh boots with 5” stilettos have been some of my museum trips and there on the order of 4 hrs. Which included a walk around two parks. There were also several trips where I wore my boots to dinner then a movie which included driving to the area, walking from the parking lot (several blocks) and around the downtown area.

    My longest was an all day trip where I took a bus into Washington DC and went museuming. You may not want to count that one because the heels were 4”.:o

    I understand wanting to protect your boots while painting but ... thigh boots should be worn over jeans not under.:smile:

    Enjoy your boots.;)

    Point taken, and yes usually I like to see the full length of my boots outside my pants.

    However, this was a work day! Sometimes you must sacrifice the look to get the job done!!!

  17. Hi Guys! Just recently bought a pair of 6" leather thigh high boots (actually they're about 5 3/4" (US size 12, UK size 10)), so reasonably steep. This weekend I had to re-stucco (artex translation for all you English) my living room ceiling. My ex-wife took both kids for the weekend so I had the house to myself. Well, I thought what a perfect oppotunity to break in my new boots. With the 6" heels strapped to my feet, there was no need for a step ladder. I did the whole ceiling in easy arms length reach! I got a few splashes of stucco on my new boots but it's easily cleand off after with warm water. Because I was so concentrated on the job in hand, I didn't really notice the discomfort. I went so long wearing the boots whilst doing the work, that when I'd finished, I decided to try to break my own record for uninterrupted time in high heels. (Previously I'd gone 3 1/2 hours in a pair of 6" courts). I first strapped my new boots at 2:00 PM this afternoon, and it's now 10:30 at night while I'm writing this e-mail. That's 8 1/2 hours in heels higher than 5 1/2 inches! My feet are now killing me but I'm going to go to bed with them on and see if I can sleep 'till morning. Let me know about your high heel marathons! No easy "low heelers" please. Hard high heelers 5" plus! Regards, Drumitt

  18. Unfortunately, here I am 4 months later and my 13 year marriage is over. I committed to stop wearing high heels and followed through with that. But for the last 18 months or more, my wife has not been able to cope with my obsession, fetish, call it what you want. We went to all the councelling under the sun but it was fruitless. She has moved out, although we're still friends and the kids have been told nothing more than we "ran out of love for each other". Just a warning to anyone out there wishing to disclose their secret to their loved ones. Be very careful!!!!! Oh, she's been gone for 4 weeks and I've already bought a pair of six inch stiletto thigh high leather boots and a pair of 6.5 inch stiletto ankle leather fetish boots off e-bay. Hey, if I've lost everything else, then why not enjoy myself in other ways once again? Regards, Phil

  19. I think us guys that have struggled in the past to "streetheel" because of our shoe size to find a good full selection of high heel footwear may see some changes in the future. My size is somewhere between a US womens 11 and 12, and as a result it's hard to find much other than your completely outrageous fetish stuff (which I love also) or your "Payless" street styles which for our sizes are always "limited" to say the least. But to find something really cool which looks great to us, but doesn't stand out too much to others (you know what I mean?) is virtually impossible. The only thing I see happening is I think womens feet are getting bigger. My daughter for instance is only 13 years old, average build and weight but she already has size 10 fet! And when I've quizzed her about this and how this compares to her classmates, she's not out of the ordinary. it must be a genetics thing. For us middle aged heelers, I really do think that shoe manufacturers are soon going to have to start making all styles with great high heels right through to maybe a 13? This is only a matter of time and I don't think it will be long. I was in a shoe store th other day (pretending to look at the mens crap) when I overheard a young lady customer ask the assistant about the availability of a certain style in a size 10. The assistant replied, "Most of the 10's and 11's go as soon as we get then in." This leads me to believe that my perceptions are correct and soon the manufacturesr will be considering 8 thru 12 as a "normal" shoe size for women. Promising eh? Regards, drumitt

  20. Thanks everyone for your input. I have told my wife I would do anything to keep our family together, and if that means leaving my high heel lifestyle behind me, then I would. So I told her I would and I was sincere about that. I even thew all my high heel footwear in a clothing recycling bin. But she says she can't love me in the way she used to because she does not see me as a "manly" man. For goodness sake, I race motorcycles that run on alchohol with no brakes and work as a toolmaker in a "rough" manufacturing environment!! I am a man! She is so distant now, even though we still share the same bed (but not much else) that I have started to be lured back into my heeling "addiction". We are right back where we started but much worse, because now I am once again hiding from her my active heeling but I have a desperately poor maritial relationship which I am equally desperate to fix. And to answer Guy N. Heels's response, I have faith and believe truly in the Holy Sacrement of marriage and do not take it lightly. However, lonely people do things to please themselves. It's kind of a short term release. Thanks for listening and especially to everyone that's responded. The moral of the story? If you can keep it under wraps, then I truly believe it's best. I was too honest for my own good. Regards, drumitt

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