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Posts posted by wamhh

  1. I'm here living in wintery Ireland, and today I have a pair of Oh Deer Marlins on. 4.5" heel and .5" platform. this keeps me out of the shallower puddles, but the rain and deep pudles wet me this morning and its been raining all day so I'll likely get my feet and shoes and jeans soaked on the way home tonight.

  2. Its pouring rain to day and I am currently at work. I do however have the afternoon off. As it is Friday I am wearing tight straight leg long jeans over my 4.5 inch stiletto shoes. My shoes are red kid skin leather and the heel is shiny chrome. On top I am wearing a fitted t-shirt and a fitted red leather jacket to match my shoes. My jeans are very faded light blue denim. It’s still raining heavily outside and its time for me to leave. I walk in the rain to me car. The rain is heavy enough and the ground is so wet that my shoes get wet, turning them a darker shade of red and the ends of my jeans are also getting wet. I get into my car and drive to the local shopping centre. I buy a mini skirt, white denim. While I’m trying this on I remove my jacket, t-shirt and bra. And then just put back on my fitted jacket over my bare skin. That feels really good. I walk out of the changing room wearing the new mini my heels and jacket. I pay for the skirt and leave. I head toward my car and the rain is heavy, making my hair wet and my legs and shoes. When I get to my car I can feel my feet slipping a little in my shoes. I get an umbrella out and go for a short walk in the pouring rain. My shoes, despite not walking into any deep puddles are now dark red and filling with the rain water flowing down my tanned legs. Thankfully it’s relatively warm to day 17 to 20 degrees C or so the car says. Anyway it’s not cold. As I am walking, when there no cars or people around, I take down my umbrella and just walk along getting wetter and wetter with each second spent out in the rain. I enter the nearby park and unsurprisingly, due to the weather there is no one about. My umbrella stays down as I walk along heading towards the river and the man made swimming area. It is now getting a little difficult to walk in my stiletto’s as my feet are stretching the wet leather and the shoes are slipping off at the heel slightly with each step. I think this is a little sexy also, each to their own I guess. I walk along to where the rowers put their boats in to the river. Still no one around, so I walk over to the ladder near the swimming area and step down a few rungs until I am knee deep. The water isn’t cold so I go a bit further, now I am waist deep. Knowing the river from many previous visits, I allow myself to fall back into the water and do a few strokes before going back to the ladder and getting out, now completely soaked. I enjoy walking around there with water pouring off me. I walk over to where the rower put their boats in and dive in. one of my shoes comes off, but when I surface, it is close by floating, so I grab it and in putting it on have to sink and dip below the water. I resurface and swim the 20 yards or so to the ladder and get out. It’s is still pouring rain as I get out and picking up my closed umbrella, head back through the park to my car. I don’t put my umbrella up until I am back out on the road. People will look but I don’t want them staring. With each step as I near the car park my shoes are slipping off at the heel. As I walk through the car park I now step into a few deep puddles to give who ever might be watching me a bit of a thrill if this is also their thing. I have many more shoes and boots and outfit that I like to get wet in. so I’ll be in touch again.

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