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Posts posted by great2wear

  1. These comments have spurred a thought and a contradiction. As a male with the attraction to female clothing and female influences from the age of 5 or so, my interest matured to an understanding that I am male with a strong female side. Wearing has been a personal issue offering a clamness and peace to confirm who I am. Dressing (crossdressing) was always a private issue since there is no way that I would be 'passable' in public. I am beginning to see the other side that we can sort of mix-and-match and not be driven to have a need to look like a 10. Social judgement will always be present, but being totally free and expressive a winning hand.

  2. I have been fortunate and I have not been cought. It is difficult sometimes not to stare or turn to follow a particularly attractive shoe properly worn with a matching outfit. Smartly colored toes are a plus. LuvToWear seems to have met the challenge. My wife knows my personal interest in hosiery. I have yet to indulge her in this fantacy as the shoe makes the leg, especially smartly encased in some leg fashion also! Just lovely to look at and to appreciate.

  3. Hello all, new here but not to feminine fashions. High heels became the icing on the cake to my interest in stockings. Growing up in the 50's fully fashioned stockings were standard wear, then RH&T and patterned hose. I cannot wear regularly, but it is a wonderful progression....stocking interest at 10 or so, garterbelt and foundation items at 15 and high heels rounded out the package many years later. Now I do not feel complete without heels. I prefer open toe and shoes with straps to closed shoes to still have a glimpse of hose and painted toe nails. That for me is a complete picture.

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