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Posts posted by toby

  1. The black ones are really nice, could we please have some further details?

    The black suede ones with the bow on the front are Spanish - brand is Gody. Gody have some shoe shops where they seem to sell their own brand only. They do some very nice heels but all to often - and this seems to be true of Spanish shoe shops - they only seem to have a very limited range of sizes in the shop so it's very hit and miss if they have a style that you like in your size.

    The other black ones with the bow at the heel are by Carvela. I got those in the UK from Kurt Geiger in a sale for 27 pounds down from 85. My wife very kindly tried them on for me in the shop.

    Just bought a new pair of blue highheels and ordered another - I'll post photos asap.

  2. I may be amongst the lightest here (skinny, or as I think Keith Richards says 'elegantly wasted'). I'm 5' 10''/179cm and 8st 3lb/52.3kg and my weight has been pretty much constant for many years. I'm not and have never been either bulemic or anorexic but some people think it must be the case. My waist is around 24'', which means finding men's trousers that fit is difficult as the slimmest tend to be 28''. Personally I'd love to gain about 1st but it just doesn't happen regardless of exercise or diet.

  3. Hi all, first thanks again for both the advice and support - it's very much appreciated. Apologies for the delay in replying - I was away for a brief holiday. Anyway an update... Whilst out for a meal I noticed a guy wearing some heels and mentioned it to my wife. We talked about it later and she asked me what I thought. I told her that I liked the idea of wearing heels as well as looking at them. After a short discussion about my sexuality she said she was happy for me to wear them in private although she's unsure as to why I like both looking at and wearing them. We intended to have a chat about that soon though. The conversation moved on to her suggesting that I try hers but I suggested that it might be better if I got my own. As a consequence she agreed to helping me buy a few pairs of heels for my self. She likes one pair that I chose so much though that she's claimed those for herself. I may have to get a second pair. Thank you ll again for your help, support and advice!

  4. Thanks everyone for both your advice and support - it's appreciated! After thinking about the advice I'm inclined towards Majo and Roni's words - it's probably a case of finding an appropriate time. That should not be too difficult as we tend to discuss things generally, it's probably more a case of me taking the bull by the horns. Beaz - possibly although I'm more inclined to Kossitch's interpretation and understand Hhboots' reaction. Legs - I'm lucky as she hasn't a temper like yours. Hope things work out for you as well. Thanks everyone - appreciate it! Histiletto - agree. Shafted - yes you're right. I've only done it twice and briefly so I'll stop now before it becomes a habit.

  5. Hi everyone. I think I may be in an unusual position regarding my love of heels. My wife doesn't like wearing highheels as she says they are uncomfortable. At most she'll wear heels for a few minutes before taking them off and putting on flats. Over the years she has bought a total of 3 pairs of high heels compared with dozens of flats. Oh and yes she does know that I have a thing about heels. At this point I guess my story is similar to many but it does have a possible twist in it though. I have the same foot size as my wife - a UK size 7. (Yes I have small feet.) That's recently, very recently, opened up the possibility for me to wear my wife's heels, which I'm doing albeit secretively, along with shaving my legs from the knee down. At this point not even my wife knows I wear her heels. I guess what I now need to work on are a few things - encouraging her to wear her heels; buying her (or me) more; building up my confidence to tell her and wear them more often. Has anyone else a similar experience? If people want I'll try and take some photos, although apologies in advance as my photographic skills are poor.

  6. Thanks for welcomes - very kind. Nicky - I live part of the year in the NE of England and part in Spain. My interest in heels goes back as long as I remember, legs and ankles are my favourite part of the human anatomy to draw (when I used to do art) and I think nice heels just help accentuate them n both women and men.

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