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Posts posted by spikesflyer

  1. My wife and I went out shopping for new furniture and a few other things last week. While backing the car out of the garage she asked me to stop so she could change her shoes. Her new shoes arrived the night before and she wanted to break them in before wearing them to work. I snapped a few quick shots on my phone.






  2. Sorry to ask if you wanted this kept anonymous but is this 'Jane' from Australia who used to have some great pics on DISHH?

    If so - awesome lady, v pretty and a lovely heel wearer. I remember one picture set in particular of her and her sister, both in heels with bare feet.

    Yep :roll::wink:

    Is this the photo you were thinking of??? Sorry about the 'swirl', but they insisted!!??

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  3. G'day guys,

    Sorry this has been so long, but they aren't great photos. My wife had just got home from work and we were on our way out to dinner when we quickly took these photos. It was quite late and the light was very poor...but they will have to do!! :roll::wink::oops::oops:

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    Some picks of the 12cm work shoes are on the way :cry::lol::)8)

    Now time for :sleeping:

  4. Wow....I've been away for a few days and there have been a few replies! :oops::oops: I shall pass on all the comments to Jane. Bob.....They are pretty tall for her foot size...as I said in an earlier post they wouldn't make the 18cm heels for her :roll::wink: but I'm not complaining!! I shall try and snap some pickies of her when she gets home from work with 'more suitable attire' for you and the others. The pickies of the 12cm 'work' shoes are on the way as well. Spikes.

  5. Thanks xam, and RPM I shall pass on your comments. Fred, 1) She is 38 1/2 Euro, around 8 in Australia and a 39 China where we bought these shoes from. 2) She wears most heel heights out. Work, she only wears heels ranging from 3 to 4 3/4 inches. Dinner or special occasions she usually wears 4 1/2 to 5 inches and if it is just us out to dinner with not a great deal of walking she has worn 6 inches...but usually under pants (she doesn't really go the 'looks' that come with heel heights like that). 3) These new black 16cm are her heighest at the moment, and she seems to handle them fine :roll: We asked for the 18cm heel but they didn't make them in her foot size :wink: . She has just bought another pair with 12cm heels for work which we will post here in a few days if you would like....let me know?? Spike.

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