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Posts posted by eto1999

  1. You are correct, so I will:

    I am a male age 40. I admit to not wearing HH but have a strong fetish for women feet in High heel. I am interested in the way High Heels change and reshape women's feet and women's attitude twards it.

    I know I am part of a minority group, but truly love these angled toes.

    In the past years I have been moderiting the bunion-hammertoes group in yahoo () whicih is dedicated to men and women who share my fetish.


  2. Dear girls, As a person with foot fetish for the high heel feet I would like to ask you this: 1. Have your feet changed their shape due to high heels ? If so in what way ? 2. How do you feel about it ? Do you like ? 3. If you could change your feet shape with a wave of your hand, what would you change ? Many thanks for your replies, Eto

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