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Posts posted by Dollybird

  1. I love platforms and long may they stay in fashion. if you are not very tall they are an absolute necessity. I don't wear platforms all of the time I do like the good old stilleto court shoe and I wear them a lot too but platforms are a must for me. Maybe things have changed - court shoes are always in fashion and rightly so, but may be platforms could be too - please - especially as courts with a platform are very fashionable right now. Being short wearing platforms under trousers or jeans allows me to "fake" being taller. I have what I call my silly shoes - very high platforms -my husband calls them stilts - and with trousers on I feel much better - I think you have to be short to appreciate how it helps.

  2. Alexa I am with you on teh pave,menst that slope sideways. I have a 10/12 minute wlk from teh car park ot teh office \i work in and there is one bit where there is a steep slope because it goes into a supermarket drive. I generally go into teh road dependnat on traffic to avoid it . The two I have every day though is on the car park I use it's quite small and has two floors above ground but there is no lift so you are left with some concrete stairs or a steep ramp down. The concrete stairs are a nightmare becuase if you catch the back of your shoes going down it scrapes themk very badly. My technique is to turn my feet to 45 degrees so my shoes fits on the whole step and there's less chance of falling or scrapping my shoes. I was amd with myself last week because I scrapped the toe of my shoes going up the stairs. My excuse was that i was carrying my handbag, work bag and a bag of shopping. Given the shoes I wear my boss says I defy the laws of physics. If I take the ramp I just walk down slowly - it's not very wide and I've had people comment under there breath that I'm holding them up and some rude poeple just brush past me. A few months ago a woman sent me flying so she got a mouthful - hey ho.

  3. People typically wear different outfits to work everyday but like you, if there is a certain pair of heels I like, I would wear that pair for quite a few days consecutively as well! In fact, the pair of boots I have on right now, a leather knee high pair of a 3.5" heel and a plush fur lining, I have worn for 4 out of the last 5 days at the office. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who wears a favorite pair to work for several days in a row :)

    Is there a comfortable or favorite pair you have been wearing to the office lately Dolly?


    I tend to have a group of shoes for work thatIi sort of alternate. Thinking about it this week I went to work in some slingbacks, they are approaching about a 5" heel and have a platform. Wednesday turned into a shoes day - I went in these slingbacks but I had a business meeting so I decided to change into some black patents stilletoes again 5" platforms. I think black patent always looks good for business. I wasn't particulalry thinking of changing shoes again but when it came to leaving work it was teeming with rain and very windy - dreadful really. I decided to put on some old faithful platform ankle boots that had probably been in the office since teh winter - I was wearing a trouser suit so I neeeded some heels otherwise I would have to hold up my trousers all the way to the car ( 10+ mins). They are quite old and a bit tatty but fine for rubbish weather.

    Yesterday and later today I'm just in the office so I've changed again to some very high (6") black patent platforms.

    That was mny shoe week.


  4. Heidi You make it sound as if I'm organised. I'm afraid not. Most days I tend to wear the same shoes all day. If the mood takes me I might change at work. Another habit is if I have a new pair of shoes that I'm getting used to I'll wear them around the office. I'm probably just mad! Like you I wear heels in public including the office all the time I feel much better about myself when I do.

  5. Hello Heidi They sort of accumulate over time. For instance we had a dreadful winter here. So I obviously wore boots to work, I'd take some shoes in may bag and change into them at work. I didn't want to wear wet slushy boots all day. The shoes would get left at work because I couldn't face taking them back in my bag I carry enough stuff as it is! This Thursday is a good example. It was throwing it down with rain so I wore some knee boots to work - I hate having to wear wet tights that have splash marks on them from cars or just mucky pavements. I got to work and just changed onto one of the pairs of shoes under the desk - easy! That said I came home in my shoes too so I've left the boots there now. Like you I only wear heels at work, I don't do this flattie /heels thing. I do drive in flatties now and then, which means there might be a pair or two of shoes left in the car too. My husband says that I have more shoes at work and in the car than he owns. Not quite true...but close.

  6. I've got a few pairs of ballerine shoes ,you can get some great designs and there' really serviceable in the house and driving - and getting somewhere quickly too. I also have a couple of pairs of flat ankle boots for the winter, trainers for the gym. Got some flip flops but I've never really liked Ugg boots - sorry.

  7. I can't see that wearing heels has helped my career. I've pretty much always worn heels to work - there's a nice collection of them under my desk at the moment. But I don't see how that has done anything job wise. The main thing with me, because I'm not too tall, is they give me convidence more than anything, so that helps me. Part of my job is meeting people in and out of work and I'd never meet anyone for meetings like that without decent heels.

  8. Hi Sharon Firstly I have to say that I dream of being 5' 2" so don't feel too bad about it. I agree that heels are an absolute blessing for us, I'm also pleased that platforms are in fashion - long may it continue - because they can give me more height too. I'm 4' 8" (otherwise perfectly formed!) so it's a case of giving me some confidence too. My husband's 5' 10" - I've got no hope of getting up there! Take care

  9. Hi I drive in heels pretty much everyday. I'm fine with normal stilletoes, but I don't drive in high platforms though, just because it's difficult to feel the pedals so I swap to some flatties I keep in the car.

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