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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. I started wearing heels everywhere including work a couple of years ago. I have been surprised by the lack of comments. I do go to some effort to conceal them by wearing extra long pants which cover the heel but they are still somewhat visible when walking and obviously are visible when sitting as the pants ride up. I started wearing them as a last resort to help with chronic lower back pain. They work wonders. Because I am a already 6" without shoes on I think most people that I saw daily noticed quickly that I was now almost 6"4, but I only had a couple of my staff at work make any comments. My Boss and everyone else at my work have never made any comments. I was surprised as I would have expected a couple of questions. I'll try and post some photos of the boots I wear. The first ones I wore for the first year or so had a 3.5" block heel with a rounded toe. I then got a pair with a almost 4.5" blade heel with a square toe. Recently I bought a pair with a 5" stilletto heel and square toe. I haven't worn them to work. I only wore them out to the shops once before I sprained my ankle badly while doing some rock climbing. So I have been in flats for the last few weeks and really looking forward to getting back into heels.

  2. Hi There, Heels do wonders for my lower back pain. I have tried everything else and nothing helps as well as heels. Even my chiropractor agreed that they would help with my back problem. I think it depends on the individual back complaint. I have one leg shorter than the other and have had back pain for years. I read something on the net a few years ago that mentioned heels help with some types of back problems. My back pain was getting worse at that stage even though I was doing all sorts of exercises. So I thought I would give heels a go. Being a man this was a very scary but after walking around in them for only a few minutes I felt pain relief so I decided to start wearing them as much as possible. I have worn them all day, most days now for the last few years.

  3. I had been struggling with lower back pain for years and had tried all sorts of exercises etc. A couple of years ago while surfing the net I read a few posts indicating that high heels could help. I had always been fascinated by highheels ever since I can remember and had dreamed about being able to wear them but thought that I would be ridiculed (because I am a guy). So anyway about a year ago I decided to take the plung and by some heels to see if it helped my back. So after looking for a couple of months I finally bought some boots with a 3.5in chuncky heel. Then I extented a couple of pairs pants so the heel wasn't really visible. The heels instantly provided relief in my back and after now wearing them most days for close to a year most people have not even noticed. My biggest challenge was my wife... she was very uspet initially and thought that everyone would think I was gay etc. It has only been on the last few months that she seems to have gotten over it and hasn't made any negative comments.

  4. I thing I find most attractive is how impractical they are. In other words the easy choice is flats but it is just so sexy when women make the choice to ignore comfort and practicality and just chose sexy. For me the more often a woman wears heels and the higher they are (without plats), the sexier it is. These incredible women on this forum that are now permanently high heeled are just amazing. I love seeing women with really worn heels, showing they wear them all the time. And also when you see women wearing heels in really impractical situations like walking at the park etc.

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