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Posts posted by admirer5577

  1. Since there is about 3 shoe stores in every block in Paris it won't be easy. Sometimes when I remember where a place is but not the name I use google maps street view and in most cases I can find the place and this way see the name of it, or at least the street number and then use yellow pages or something.

  2. Your words made me cry for joy. I guess someday I'll go to Sweden; I've heard that it's a land with no / hardly any sexism nor homophobia, and the climate seems cold enough for me to live in. The only thing that I'm awkward about is environment protection regulations.

    From what I've heard, they're very strict...

    I think it is time for me, as being a swede, to step in here and ask you why you believe they are very strict? Today most regulations are the same within the whole EEC. And hey, to protect the environment can never be bad, can it?

    I have to say I am not that keen on Stockholm myself, maybe I am spoiled to have it so close to me. Apart from my two visits there last fall it was probably 20 yrs since my previous visit.

    It is probably also true that we're brought up with equality as an important thing but it has also turned into the fact that no-one wants to "stick out". If you buy a new, top of the line, car, make sure it looks like the budget version of that model, otherwise the neighbours may start talking.....

  3. Hi Pumps. I remember you saying this about shop assitances already last year in London and my experience is the opposite. Bigger cities like London, Copenhagen, Berlin, Stockholm are easier than the smaller swedish cities in my opinion. Since last years London meet I have also been out in tranny mode a few times at different places and the reactions in shops are just the opposite. Where the assitances doesn't bother about other customers, they immediately turn to me and ask if they can be of any help. Unfortunately I am a bit on the tall side for passing so I really don't care if I wear 1" heels or 5" heels, I am spotted anyway. I am probably a bit exhibitionistic too, or have become in recent years, and therefore I frequently visit fetish clubs of different types. My first was TG in London 2 years ago. At these venues people are always welcoming you. But the dress code generally requires more than just high heels. You are welcome to join me sometime if you want to. (There is one in Göteborg already this coming Saturday.)

  4. Both Easyjet and Ryanair fly to and from Bristol...

    Yep, they do. But not from any Scandinavian country. I would have to go to Berlin, or Amsterdam, or Paris for instance to catch their flights.

    Something I want to say in response to Admirer5577's post is that these heelmeets are organised by people who are already confident enough not to need the heelmeet itself. Kneehighs for example wears heels all the time as does Heelfan who has also organised meets. I myself am an accomplished tranny and quite comfortable walking around in girl mode but I still turn up at the heelmeets and tranny venues to encourage people who are not as confident and experienced as I am. Just when you no longer need the venue, that's when the venue needs you!

    I understand, and agree, with you that the meetings could use us in that matter. But there is a big difference if you live locally to the venue. I'll need to take at least two days vacation, spend around £400 pounds for travel and hotel plus food and club entrance if going clubbing. So £5-600 is a more realistic figure. Next month I am going to Berlin, flight and hotel for 6 days costs me around £ 150, plus food of course but Berlin is WAYYY cheaper than London, although the currency rating between SEK and Pounds is better from my standpoint.

    And if I go clubbing back home the entrance is usually free if you come in tranny mode. So one week-end in London equals numerous clubbing nights here.

    Sorry, if the cost wasn't an issue I would for sure be at more meetings but reality comes sometimes into the equation. ;-)

  5. ....... If I remember correctly, didn't kneehighs visit you (Pumps, adm5577 added) in Sweden or somewhere close to your home a couple of years ago? And, didn't you take him for a airplane tour of your venue? If so, I guess I am just a little curious that you, as a good acquaintance of kneehighs, are being so critical of him.........

    Ok, now I have read enough on this thread and can not stay quite any longer.

    First of all I agree with you Bubba, Tech and with Kneehighs. Although it might have been a good idea of KH to let someone know he wasn't going to show up at the Miller. What Airwolf says I don't even want to waist any letters on......

    Secondly I want to correct you slightly. It was me that KH visited some 18 months ago and we took a trip in my airplane. But we did meet up with Pumps in Copenhagen for 1½ day before going to Sweden. I have also visited NYC twice and spent some good times with KH there.

    Unfortunately I have seen this kind of thing happen so many times before. A club, a bunch of friends, or whatever like that, manage to keep things together in good spirit for a couple of years and then it goes down because of different opinions about things. After a few years some one else picks it up again and you get a new succesful period of time. And so it goes on and on. I am afraid this is what happened here.

    Someone might ask why I didn't show up this year? Well, since my first meet in Amsterdam 2½ year ago, thanks to KH who invited me back then, I have been to 5 or 6 meet I think. The biggest ones in London 2007 & 2008. Now I have come to the point where I wear my heels with enough confidence without being backed up by a group. And this spring I already have several trips planned and I had to say no to some of them, and London was the no-show this time.

    So, all the best for future meet but going to Bristol from Scandinavia probably mean going via one of London's airports. If there should be any direct flights they for sure aren't low budget flights and then I think us "hobby" travellers don't go on those.

    Personally I am going to Berlin next month and enjoy a very nice city.

  6. i really like the look of a pencil skirt and i have bought one. i asked that question because i want to have the right style of heels. can any female members help?

    Well, I am not female but just look around you when you see girls in pencil skirts and make your opinion from that.

    Personally I would say pumps rather than boots, and stiletto type of heels, not chunky heels. I also think that to carry a pencil skirt you should be quite slim, or the proportions doesn't look right. Hence the stiletto type of heels.

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