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Posts posted by Louise

  1. OK. Just wondering who here, and what kind of heels anyone would dare wear out in the snow, freezing rain, and 8 degree temperatures? That is...in Pittsburgh, PA USA, Earth. I did wear a pretty decent pair of heels today and wondereed what everyone else might have worne as their regular heels, or just for fun. I am off tomorrow and I think I'll wear some fun heels just for fun in this mess...you know?

    Hey Adenna,

    Can you manage wearing those heels without slipping and sliding?? I have my heels on to walk to work but the slick soles don't do very well on the icy bits, even my boots are really slippery. My heels are generally ok on the flat but show them any kind of icy slope and I'm slithering all over.

    How has your winter been in your heels so far?

    Louise xx

  2. Hi everyone, "most out of place I've worn heels..." I wore 4" heels out to a gig called Party in the Park once, it rained and I got "stuck in the mud" bigtime. It got soooo slippery too, I had to be helped along by my flat shoed friends. silly me!!! Has anyone else ever done this? I've also walked my 2 mile journey to work in the snow and ice before now...that was so treacherous too! My shoes are just useless in snow, I really should learn!! Love, Louise xxx

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