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Status Updates posted by CRabbit

  1. How the hell do you get the new forums to list posts oldest-first?

  2. Hi Larkine, It doesn't look like you've made any posts to the forums-section of the site yet. Start a new thread in the welcome section here (clicky) and introduce yourself there and see if that works. Posts on your profile or on the blogs don't technically count towards your 'post count' - only posts made on the forums do. If you added your introduction onto the back of someone else's, it may have been removed by a moderator to keep the forums a little cleaner. If your having any more problems, start a new thread in the technical section if you can describing what's happening and what you've tried and we'll do what we can to help. Otherwise send a private message (PM) to anyone on this list here (clicky!) and they'll help. Chris

  3. Hey Pete, I'm currently a no-show. Having one nasty month so far. Once I'm past it all, I'll drop you a message and we'll meet up. Chris

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