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Heels Brazil

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Posts posted by Heels Brazil

  1. Thank you Ale for the advice!

    So, did you really try the shoes or she did for you? Any pics?

    "Since I started to use them, I tought I am more "myself". It is really a amazing felling!!"

    I have the same feeling as you my friend...

    My heart beats in the rhythm of the heels touching the ground beneath, my breath is lighter, I fell more confident cleaver and wiser.....I feel like a real man....I feel alive.



    hola Roxy! Gracias por tu mensaje! Es muy gratificante ver a las mujeres aquí que respetar y entender nuestros sentimientos. gracias!


  2. Hi all!

    Although being a very good Spanish policial movie with a criminal investigation more or less like 'csi', this movie has some of the most interesting and well written dialogs I've ever seen.

    I'm sorry; its not about high heels...

    In a particular part of the movie, one of the characters says the following phrase:

    "People can change everything in their lives; face, house, family, girlfriend, religion and even god.

    But there is one thing you cant change.

    You cant change your passion!"

    This phrase hit very deep into my soul, chilled my spine and left me breathless in the end.

    Try to change your passion for heels......try to change it to something else; I dare you.

    I tried sooo hard to change my passion for something more 'acceptable', fought in my heart against it everyday, but in the end I lost the battle only to make this felling stronger.

    Im glad to have lost that battle ages ago, I now finally understand that you can not define a man for the shoes he wears, or for the size of his heels; but for the size of his heart.

    Btw: the movie is awesome, worth watching.


  3. Welcome to you "Heels Brazil". I spent 4 months in Santos in 1959. Probably the most enjoyable time of my life. Brasil produces some really beautiful shoes. I bought a couple of pairs of ladies driving shoes while I was there. They had the little round things on the sole. Very comfortable. I had a great time in Santos..More parties than I could take in. That place loves to Party.

    Have you ever been to the USofA ?

    I wear female shoes full time. Don't own any male type shoes. Been doing this for over 8 years. Love you hi-heels but have an assortment of over 60 pairs from flats to a couple of pairs of 5 inch heels. All colors too.

    Again, welcom to this site.

    Yes, we do have awesome heels! And a few brands export worldwide.

    But the maximum inclination is always 10cm; so if you have a 12cm heel, the 'real' height is 10cm...due to a 2cm platform on the front. :smile:

    With time and training, you master all heels we have here...and start thinking about import some.....:D

    One day i hope to go to usa, vegas, orlando etc...in heels of course!

    Such a numerous collection you have! can you show me some pics?


  4. Hello! I have a passion for high heels since I was a little boy, about 5 years old I think... Now that I've found this forum I hope to make some everlasting friends, share my little experience about heels and learn more from the pros. Feel free to talk to me about anything, and high heels of course! Hugs! :smile:

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