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Posts posted by Persephone

  1. They really are, aren't they! I would give my eye teeth for a pair of those! I followed the other link to the Shoecraft site, and they do have some rather nice red ones on there (I believe LSB ones), though they are over £600, so I think I'd have just a little saving up to do before I could think about that :smile:

  2. Oooh! Is that so? I may well have to investigate this further, as I think that if the LSB type ones could be made with a toe box that would suit me down to the ground. I will be sure to report back any findings...as well as the undoubtedly vast sum that would be required to purchase such a thing.

  3. I think I'm going to have to find a custom shoe maker and coerce them into making me something like that...mainly because they seem to be more durable than off the rack ballet heels, which I can't see standing up to all that much wear. I don't think they were produced with walking in them in mind, really.

  4. Sadly I have not found anything at all like this in a modern ballet heel...I've seen pictures of the sort of thing you describe (also with a reinforced toe box, a la pointe shoes), but nothing that one could actually buy. Perhaps needless to say, If I ever found someone who could manufacture such a thing, I would lock them in my house and get them to make me ALL the shoes (mwahahaha).

  5. Hello, I'm kind of new, but I love my ballet boots and can walk in them, so thought I'd chime in on this discussion a little. I've tried on a number of different makes and styles of them, and am currently walking about in a pair of Devious knee boots having found those the most comfortably constructed for my foot shape, given that they are a nice snug fit around the heel - this stops my feet from slipping down toward the toe so readily, and as such makes walking in them for longer periods much easier. I've tried some Kassiopeya ankle boots too, but found these much looser and harder to walk in - though they might have been ok in a smaller size (fingers crossed, because I'd give my eye teeth for a pink pair). I've found that as long as the fit is good, that a pair of socks and a foam toe pouch is perfectly adequate for support and cushioning.

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