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Posts posted by jess82

  1. yes, as benno said is totally different from normal heels. Ballet boots heels are so high that they push your body forwards and is hard to keep equilibrium if your legs are straight. Anyway, if someone wants to try them i dont think is really necesary to have worn very high heels (although it helps), unless you want to walk long distances, which is not very common with ballet boots. So I encourage everybody to try them, they are great!! But take it easy!!

  2. Hello everybody I am getting better with my ballet boots. As many people has said before, if you protect the toes with pads is much easier to walk or stand o them. As long as I haven't got pads, I have used some toilet paper wrapped around my toes and it works!! With it I am able to stand a little while longer, although walking is still a challenge. Ill keep on training!!

  3. Hello all I am new on this forum and thanks of it I found the website of kassiopeya.de with cheap ballet boots. I have a strong fetish with boots and two weeks ago I received my white thigh high ballet boots and they are incredible!! Never worn ballet boots before and I love to feel them in all my leg. If Im on bed I can wear them around 3 hours after that I need a break. Standing, I can stand a little while and finally walking is a true challenge, of course I need support and Im able only to do few steps before my toes hurt too much. Anyway I really love this boots and I feel really great with them, even if I feel a little bit restrained. Thanks for guiding me to this website, and if someone is tempted to buy them I really encourage to get them, but remember that aren't suitable to run in the park! :smile:

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